Chapter Twenty Six

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|| Emy Gold's POV

Adrian's entry has definitely made things more difficult for me. His presence was so intimidating and just being right beside me, made my skin peeked up with fear. I just hope he does not thigs any more abstruse for me. I lowered my head feeling his intense gaze burning on my head. The small circle of teenagers were stunned of how Adrian unexpectedly paraded among us. This was unusual considering as much as I knew him; he was as much reserved like his sister.

His presence brought about some lingering silence in the group discomfiting everyone. Behind Adrian stood Kai parker and the famous Lara Winston. As much as Kai let out a smile our way, Adrian kept a distant face, which quite intimidated us.

After a while, a boy in the group opened his mouth to say something to ease this awkwardness.

"Adrian, how's your plan after college?" awkwardly the boy lifted his eyes to meet Adrian and the latter just fixated his gaze on the poor boy as if he has committed a big crime.

"I have not decided about that yet." He said emphasising on the last words he spewed out making crystal clear to me that he did not at all willing to disclose his personal matter openly.

"Why? You don't intend to inherit the Richardson Holding?" the guy persisted not quite perceived the periphrastic message of Adrian which made Kai chuckled by his side.

"What are you my parents to whom I have to give the biography of my life?" Adrian spewed irritated by that boy glaring at him. The poor boy afraid ceased questioning him bowing down his head unmistakeably embarrassed.

Later a servant approached serving us champagne and to my great tremor, everyone lifted up their glasses without any objections or hesitation and shoved it right to their mouths. I clearly denied the server that made everyone furrowing his or her eyebrows in my direction. As a matter of fact, I was the only one in the group with a glass of juice in my hand.

"You don't drink?" a girl bewilderedly spewed out as glancing at me as I've committed a big sin. I just shook my head.

"You can drink. It is not as if your parents will mind. They're barely looking." She argued persisting me to take a sip of the champagne.

"Absolutely, luckily in your case, your parents won't come down to earth to moral you or something." Adrian injected chuckling taking a sip of his drink.

Everyone's attention turned to Adrian's statement laughing at his dull joke he cracked except Anna who remained composed as ever eyeing her brother.

"What a pity being an orphan at this age; how did your parents die?" Lara unexpectedly asked making me uncomfortable.

Before I get to answer her question, Adrian cut me off;

"According to what I heard, her parents died in a car accident. Having no guardian, our family was compelled to take her responsibility." Adrian trailed narrating the story of my life on my behalf as if I was not standing beside him.

"It's the best charity showpiece of my grandmother." He chuckled trying to eye contacting me as I fixated my eyes to my feet tightening the glass of juice which was ready to crack any moment.

I became the center of attention. Feeling everyone's eyes on me, I kept motionless bowing down my head. Once again, I was letting myself bullied by Adrian Richardson.

I've never heard of any Gold here before" a girl erratically exclaimed taking a massive interest of my life. Why don't they just drop the matter.

Once again, I was shut my Adrian Richardson who seemed to be talking on my behalf with bitter sarcasm in his words he spewed out his mouth.

"Her name is not known as her parents had no status in the first place. Her dad I think was a sales clerk while her mother was a twenty-four hours housewife at home. Right Gold?" he emphasised on the last part to make eye contact with me. As soon as I lifted up my eyes to meet his, I could see the smirk lingering his face purposedly trying to degrade me. This was all his plan the whole time to come in this small circle and telling out nasty talks about my parents. I

All of them indulged in a prolonged silence staring at me not believing how a girl like me doing under the Richardson's roof. What relation I shared with this elite family? I could not but felt tears glistening my eyes. I wanted to punch him rightaway. But I was on the edge of resistance. If I lunged on him in front of everyone, he'll prove to everyone that i'm indeed a low class girl with no proper manners. Moreover it'll be a massive humiliation for the Richardsons. 

"Hey stop man" kai claimed obviously aware that his friend was purposely picking on me

"What? I'm just stating the facts." He retorted shutting Kai and the latter left the group shaking his head.

"She's lucky to stay at your household." A girl stated shying furiously at Adrian.

"You have no idea," Adrian approved widening his eyes.

"Now we just have to feed her until she's eligible enough to take her own responsibility. My grandmother basically took over her whole charge from head to toe as you guys can see." He added gesturing my appearance tonight.

"Who would thought she's a lower class girl from the dirty colony." He rolled his eyes provoking me to death. For how long was he going to insult me? Maybe I mustered enough courage to smack retorting him.

"How can you even bear her presence?" a girl uttered stepping a few steps away from me in disgust.

"You have no idea," Adrian chuckled rolling his eyes.

"What about you? It's a pity to be title as a rich illegitimate child breeding from a mistress." Anna intervened shocking everyone. The girl halted all her hair risen in peek. She has not expected this. Luckily, Anna's move has been able to divert everyone's attention bombarding her with endless questions.

Adrian seemed aback, his eyes glued on his sister. My topic was closed which made enough annoyed and after a while, he dismissed himself with Lara Winston following him like a hungry puppy.

Tears were rolling down my face definitely ruining the makeup. I was in a devastating state with Anna standing by my side staring at me but I could not care anymore as I ran upstairs to my room. I definitely heard some noises behind me and I just ignored them. I wanted to be alone, needed time to process everything.

Eventually, nobody followed me and I barged to my room throwing myself on the bed weeping to death. That prick has numerous time insulted me before, but today he targeted me by bringing up my demise parents. He has no right to insult my dignity. I was never ashamed of my parents' occupations. At least we were a healthy happy family unlike him. These pains in my heart were unbearable and I clutched my heart crying like there no tomorrow.

I was completely messy. As I faced the mirror, my hair and makeup were disordered. My eyeshadows glistening down my face due to the heavy tears I was splashing out. I appeared like a zombie.

I heard some footsteps coming from the hallway and audible as it was, the voices were definitely from Adrian. I could not even bear to listen to his voices. I did not know unexpectedly what's gotten over me and the next thing I realised was that I barged fumingly in the room of Adrian Richardson just the time he was busy making out with the famous Lara Winston. I again for the second time caught up with the most embarrassing moment of the life.

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