Chapter 5 - Poison

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"It does not count as one."

"How does it not?" I asked confused. I lifted his leg up to wrap a bandage around his ankle.

"Because you saved me again before I saved you!" Wild exclaimed, throwing his hands against the bed in exasperation.


"That cancels them out so I'm back at two," Wild grumbled. I smiled and set his foot down gently on the bed.

"At least it's not three," I said. I stood up, stretching my limbs.

"That was a close call earlier," I mumbled. "Maybe we should keep to the more traveled paths. Especially now with your hurt foot."

"I'm sorry," Wild whispered, catching me off guard even though his tone was quiet.

"There's no reason to be sorry Wild. Get some rest," I said. I sent a smile his way and sat down at the end of the bed, pretending to be busy with my bag. As soon as Wilds breathing evened out, I was gone and out the door. The cuts he got from the thorns were red and purple, very clearly showing that he was poisoned. I jogged into the more dense part of town quickly. I didn't want to waste any time getting the medicine into his system. I found a shop selling medicine and described the cuts as best I could to the worker.

They gave me a bottle of red liquid and a spoon. After paying, I took off back down the street. I passed by a toy shop and did a double take when I saw a small fairy doll in the window. It must have been modelled after a true fairy because it was just a size bigger than Wilds tiny form. I entered into the toy store and grabbed the first fairy doll I saw.

I rushed into the room with the medicine and the doll. I discarded the doll on the bedside table and leaned over Wild. He was sleeping but not peacefully. He was radiating heat and a sheen of sweat could be seen on every inch of his exposed skin. I took the cork out of the bottle just as Wilds eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," I whispered. I set the bottle down on the bedside table and reached out to help him sit up.

"Zypher?" Wild questioned groggily.

"Yeah it's me."

"I don't feel good," Wild said as he leaned into my arms for support. I sat him against the headboard and went to grab for the bottle.

"I know. We need to get this medicine in your body before you can sleep again." I turned around and picked up the open bottle. I dug the spoon out of my pocket and began pouring the red liquid. With spoon in hand, I turned back towards Wild. Against my wishes, a blush spread across my cheeks. Wild was sitting on the edge of the bed with his shirt stuck around the top of his head.

"Zypher help," Wild cried, dragging out the word help as he struggled around the shirt.

"I-uh..." I had trouble forming words at the sight of Wild. His skin was flushed pink with the heat of his sickness. I had seen him naked before but it was not by his choice nor was I looking to look. I reached out to him as he pulled the shirt over his head.

"Wild, I need you to drink this," I said, trying my best not to stutter. Wild looked up at me and instead of saying something, wrapped both of his hands around my arms. He pulled himself up, sloshing the red liquid onto the floor. I immediately dropped the spoon when he began to wobble. I grabbed him around the waist and let him fall into my chest.

"It's so hot Zypher," Wild whined. His hands fell down to his pants and my eyes widened.

"Okay, okay hang on," I said quickly, grabbing his hands to stop him from removing more clothing. "If you drink this medicine, it will be less hot."

"Let goooo."

"At least let me help or you are going to fall," I sighed. Wild frowned but let me help him out of his pants. I was insanely happy he was in a sick haze and wouldn't be able to remember the blush on my face. Wild stepped fully out of his pants and sat back on the bed with a sigh.

I took a deep breath and averted my gaze back to the bottle. I leaned down to grab the spoon and stood back up to see Wild stretched across the bed on his stomach giving me a nice view of his bottom.

I whirled around swiftly and rushed into the bathroom. I ran some water over the spoon and then shut off the faucet. I ran a hand through my hair and looked up to the cracked mirror on the wall. I growled at the red tint on my cheeks, hating that I was being affected by this stupid, little fairy.

A pained groan from the room brought me back to my senses. I walked into the room and went right for the bottle.

"Cmon, you need to sit up for me," I said, pouring the liquid once again. Wild groaned but slowly began sitting up. Wild leaned against the headboard and stared at me with hazy, yellow eyes. I smiled at him softly and held the spoon out. He leaned forward and we met in the middle. A small bit of red liquid dribbled down his chin and I swiped my finger over his skin to stop it.

We held each other's gaze for a few moments before I began to worry I would do something I shouldn't. I stepped away from him and plugged the bottle closed. The spoon, I dropped next to it.

"You should lay down," I whispered. I helped him from his sitting position to a laying one and watched as he fought against sleep. The medicine was working. I stood up, careful not to jar him awake and headed towards the bathroom again. I needed washcloths and cold water. It was going to be a long night battling his fever.

I don't feel good Mr.Stark...

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