Chapter 7 - Awake

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I woke up to pain in my back and a splitting headache. A pained groan bubbled out of my throat despite me trying to hold it in. I opened my eyes to find myself in complete darkness and no sense of where I was. Whatever I was laying on was extremely soft. I couldn't help but notice that it smelled like Zypher. Kinda smoky, though I had a sneaking suspicion that he smelled like that only because of all the nights he spent by a fire in the woods.

I gasped when whatever I was in moved and a light began peeking though above me. I held on to the fuzz around me as I moved more. Part of Zyphers face came into view, blocking out the light. He quickly ducked away and slowly his hand descended into where I was. I grabbed on and let him pull me up. I was surprised to find that I had been laying in his pocket. It was softer than I thought it would be.

"I'm glad to see you're awake," Zypher said, giving me the most genuine smile I'd ever seen on his face.

"Where are we?" I asked, rubbing my head in confusion.

"We're in Micah Village at a tavern," Zypher replied. He tucked me close in his lap as he spoke.

"I thought we were just at Serone," I asked, confused. My stomach grumbled and I set a hand on top of it. That qued in Zypher that I was hungry.

"You've been out for a solid six days. You almost hit a week," Zypher said. He reached over me and began messing with his plate. As he did so, I looked around. We definitely were in a tavern. Wooden chairs and wooden tables surrounded us. There were only a few people in the building, making it easier to hide myself against Zypher.

Zypher nudged my side gently with a finger, causing me to return my attention to him. Zypher held out a piece of what looked to be meat out in front of my face. I smiled at him warmly and grabbed the food. I ate quickly. It felt like I hadn't eaten in days. It's possible that I hadn't.

"I've been out for that long?" I asked, taking a small bite from another piece of meat.

"Yeah. You only woke up long enough for me to force some medicine and water down your throat," Zypher said, taking a bite of his food.

"You took care of me..."

"Well what else was I supposed to do," Zypher said sternly, keeping his head up so I couldn't see his expression. I looked down and smiled.

"Thank you."

When Zypher said nothing I looked up at him. His jaw was tensed but he didn't look angry.

"Thank you Zypher," I said a bit louder. He glanced down and simply nodded before looking up again.

"Are you still hungry?" Zypher asked after I ate a few more small pieces.

"No. Thank you," I said. Zypher dropped the coins equivalent to the meal on the table and slipped a hand under me. I let him lift me up to his pocket and dropped inside. After a few minutes of Zypher walking, he whispered that we were in the clear. I crawled out and laid against his shoulder under the jacket. The only part of me not covered was my head so my voice wouldn't be muffled.

"How did I get so sick?" I questioned, realizing I couldn't even remember feeling that bad.

"When we got attacked by the wyvern, you fell into a thorn bush. That bush was poisonous," He explained. Zypher dodged around people so when he spoke no one would hear or hopefully notice.

"Oh," Was all I had as a response. "Thank you."

"You don't need to keep saying thank you," Zypher said.

"I'm sorry."

"Listen, it's okay. I'm just glad you're awake," Zypher said. He glanced down and gave me a small smile. "How are you feeling?"

"A little groggy and my head hurts but I'll be okay," I said.

"Even if you will be, you should take something for the headache for now," Zypher said. He stopped and turned into an ally so he wouldn't be seen before reaching down to his bag. He rummaged through it for a few seconds before pulling out a small bag. It was a large bag for my current size but small for Zypher. He pulled a white pebble-sized pill out of the bag with two fingers and handed it to me.

"Eat it slowly and let it dissolve in your mouth," Zypher explained. I nodded and began taking bits of it off to do just that. It tasted nasty but I'm sure it would do the job.

"So how have things been for you while I was out?" I asked.

"It's been... interesting." 

Kinda upset I didn't hit my word limit but this chapter didn't have much to it
May rewrite entire chapter

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