Chapter 28 - Death

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Wild rushed at me and pulled my bag towards himself roughly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, quickly, watching Wild dig frantically through my bag. With a triumphant smile, Wild pulled the fire amulet from inside.

Wild didn't waste a second and threw the amulet around his neck. Wilds wings sprouted from his back, lifting him upwards in one swift movement and closer to the red demon. Wild landed next to a blue haired fairy. They didn't look or even acknowledge each other. Wild looked up at the king who still held the demons attention before moving his hands in patterns unknown to me. I glanced around at the fairies on the ground near him and found them to be doing the same.

Wilds wings lit with flames, the tips burning, bits of ash and embers falling to the ground at his feet. They grew larger, more intricate in seconds. Crimson sigils traced down his arms in ancient patterns from his shoulders to his wrists, glowing with unmistakable power. The ends of his hair changed, lifting with fire. I could feel the heat grow from where I stood.

Wild turned to look at me. His eyes shined at a new level, the orbs turning to bright suns. Then he was gone. His wings once again bringing him into the sky, leaving behind trails of smoke and glowing dust.

"Attack!" A strong yell from the Fairy King brought me out of my awe. I snapped my head up to where the red demon was now spouting fire into the air.

Wild and the other fairies went straight for the demon. The demon tried to swipe at the ones closest to him but all of them managed to dodge. The fairies behind the demon quickly began sending spells his way.

The sky was quickly becoming filled with colors. Powerful fairies of the four main elements flew through the air and shot magical beams and spells at the monster destroying their home. Shouts and chanting rained to the ground in a jumbled mess of words, summoning and commanding special and regular spells alike. 

I tried my hardest to follow Wilds movements but found it to be pointless. There was too much going on. As soon as I found him, he was already disappearing behind another cloud of smoke or shoot of water.

The ground shook from one of the creatures deafening roars causing my hands to come up and cover my ears. After I few seconds of finding my footing, I looked around to see if it had caused any damage.

With ringing ears, I zoned in on a small group of fairies huddled near the edge of the forest. They must not have had the same powers as Wild and the others attacking the red demon.

I rushed over the group and urged them to stand.

"You need to get out of here. It's not safe," I said, pointing in the general direction Wild had sent the young boy and the rays.

"One of our friends went back to get his little sister. We're waiting for him," A female fairy with dark red hair said, her hands clutching tightly to the arm of a tall man with black hair. A screech caught our attention and had me turning to look at the demon.

One of his arms was missing. Pitch black blood oozed from the wound but the demon seemed just as committed to killing each and every fairy. They may have the upper hand but this area wasn't safe for anyone right now.

"Which way was your friend supposed to come from? I'll go retrieve them if you get to safety," I said quickly, trying to get them to leave faster.

"I'll come with you," The tall man said, his voice was deep. Deeper than I thought a fairies could be but there was a lot I needed to learn about Wilds race.


I again pointed the small group to the general direction the other fairies had been running before taking off into the woods after the tall fairy. He was fast on his feet and easily dodged the limbs on the trees. It was fairly easy to keep up but every once in a while he would make sharp turns and throw me off momentum.

But soon I saw the beginnings of what looked to be a cabin. We slowed and came to a complete stop at the entrance. The tall fairy opened the door and raced into the house. I stayed outside as he searched.

I whipped around at the sound of a twig snapping, bringing my knife out immediately. I lowered it as soon as I saw the short boy in front of me.

"We don't know where to go. Can you help us?" He pleaded, large tears beginning to fall down his cheeks.

"We?" I asked. The boy nodded and quickly dashed back into the bushes. I waited until the tall fairy came back out, quickly explaining what happened.

"That was him. Which way did he go?" The fairy almost shouted. I pointed towards the bushes and followed when he jumped right in. I stumbled back when just on the other side stood a group of at least twenty fairies. The forest covered the open center perfectly. It was like a secret dome of nature.

"C'mon, I know where it's safe!" The tall fairy yelled. Everyone nodded and began pushing towards us. As uncomfortable as I was, I helped the best I could. A few times I let an injured fairy lean onto me and in one rare moment, I picked up a child.

It took us a long time to find our way back to the burnt clearing but we did and the sight of the staggering beast gave me confidence that the fairies would win. That didn't stop the panic building inside me though when I noticed a few limp bodies laying near the monsters clawed feet. Each one of them a fallen fairy.

I led everyone in the direction of what I hoped was safety before rushing back towards the battlefield. I held my breath as I got closer and closer to the dead. When I saw none of them were my beloved fairy, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

A horrid roar followed by pained growls ripped brought the sky. I looked up and watched the giant demon fall the side, grabbing onto the barely standing trees for support with its one good arm.

It was covered in so much blood and so many wounds, I could barely recognize it as the being I saw at the beginning. My eyes widened when I saw the Fairy King fly higher in the air and aim his hands at the demon.

As the first beams of light shot out of his palms, I turned towards the trees in the distance.


I ran directly into a tree as I landed. Behind dust flew from where the demon fell, causing me to cough slightly.

The dark presence that had filled the air since I arrived was gone. The red demon was dead.

As I dust settled, I watched as the fairies landed on the ground. Silently, they looked around at their charred home land. I found Wild in the crowd of tired looking fairies and wanted nothing more than to pull him into my arms.

Kinda hate this chapter
The dialogue sucks
Zypher has to channel into a good side he didn't know he had. Wild and Zypher kinda switch roles here

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