Chapter 13 - Parade

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"What's going on here?" Wild asked confused. I looked around and remapped in my head where we were.

"Looks like Hilltop is having their annual sun festival." I said. I watched silently as Wild looked up in awe at the bright colored streamers and flags. The streets were packed with people clothed in various shades of red, yellow, and orange. Their faces were painted to complement the colors of the fabric. We pushed our way slowly through the massive crowds of people and into a less populated ally way.

"We'll grab some food and keep going. We won't make it to the next town by nightfall but we'll find a safe spot to sleep." I said, looking around at the nearby shops and stores.

"Can we pleeease stay here? Everything's so pretty." Wild said, glancing towards me. He fit the setting perfectly with his vibrant red hair and glowing golden eyes. Eyes that shined and showed all levels of excitement.

"There's a lot of people here..." I said, trailing off. A couple hundred over the amount I was remotely comfortable around.

"That just means we will blend in more!" Wild said, trying his best to convince me. "Even I blend in here." He added as an afterthought. Wild stared up at me with the cutest but also poutiest expression.

I rolled my eyes but nodded, "Fine, we can stay here." Wild smiled excitedly and jumped at me, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Wild exclaimed as I slowly wrapped my arms around his body in return.

"Of course. What would you like to do first?" I asked, letting him slowly peel himself away from my body.

"Let's watch the parade for a bit!" Wild said, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the crowd. I never let go of Wilds hand as we walked through the mass of people to find a good spot to watch. We eventually settled into a decent area and watched as large warm colored dragons made of glittery magic danced around each other. Dancers performed, moving in lines and in groups, some looked to be in their own world. I couldn't help but look at Wild every few minutes. Pure happiness radiated off of him.

After an hour of standing in the middle of a bunch of strangers, I leaned up to catch Wilds attention. At some point he had looked tired so I offered him a piggyback ride.

"We should eat." I said, having to raise my voice some for him to be able to hear me. Wild laid his head on my shoulder and nodded. I smiled and tightened my arms around his legs as I turned away from the parade. We pushed our way out of the crowd and down the street.

"Hilltop Bakery?" Wild asked, setting his hands on my forehead and pushing the hair out of my eyes. I shook my head in the negative and passed by the shop.

"Susan's Pub and Brew?" Wild questioned, distaste evident in his voice. I shook my head again, agreeing with him. We walked around a corner when we decided no on all the shops and restaurants on that street.

"Flavor looks cool." Wild said, his tone much brighter than before. I looked up at the colorful sign and then to the clean windows advertising the different products. They apparently had the best variety around.

"Then let's go." I said, letting him slide back down to the ground gently. He hit the rocky walkway and we immediately locked hands. I pushed the door open with my arm and let him walk through first. He sent me a smile and then continued into the restaurant. It was vibrant, as expected, but the colors complemented each other and fit.

We slid into a booth and ordered the most strange thing on the menu. Sea slug stew. Wild and I chatted away as we waited for our meal to arrive. A busty lady dropped the tray onto the table and walked away quickly. I noticed the restaurant was slowly becoming more and more full. Wild and I ate the not completely terrible blue colored stew in silence and quickly left after we finished.

We began walking back to the parade when Wild caught the sound of a calming tune. He rushed over, grabbing my hand and pulled me along behind him. I didn't mind holding his hand. It made sure we stayed close. Wild used my intimidating form to get to the front and awed in wonder at the melody and the dancers. I looked around and my eyes caught sight of a lemonade booth, marked with the name Sire. I smiled, knowing Wild would absolutely love the sweet-tasting drink.

I leaned down next to his ear and began to speak. "I'm going to get us a drink. I'll be right back. Do not move." I hid my satisfaction when he shivered at my close proximity. Wild smiled with a blush and nodded. I weaved out of the crowd, checking on Wild every few seconds until I couldn't see him at all. I rushed to order and buy the drink, hoping he didn't mind if we shared.

I followed the same path I took to get back to Wild but stopped in my tracks when I realized he wasn't where I left him. The drink slipped from my fingers, hitting the ground and splashing someone nearby. Their shouts and curses fell on deaf ears as I looked around in a panic. He was nowhere in sight. Usually it would be easy to pick him out in a crowd but a town full of warm colors changes things.

Something in me snapped when I couldn't spot Wild anywhere in the area. I quickly teleported on top of a building and looked down at all the unsuspecting people. Each one would be so easy to kill from here. My eyes caught movement that didn't fit with the rest of the crowd and I zoned in. On the other side of the parade was a man dressed in all black, much like me. He was walking quickly and pushing through the crowd like he had somewhere to go. When he slipped into a building, I made my move.


This chapter is dedicated to @pineappleparidise for the nice comment

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