Chapter Thirty Eight: Tears of Happiness

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**Alright, it looks like I have some down time! Thanks for everyone who was very understanding! I couldn't have asked for better readers! And I am sorry to say that this is the last chapter in this story.. Well, it may or may not the the last chapter and it may or not be added on to such as a sequel?? Maybe? If you guys would like that? Alright, here is the possibly last chapter of Wonders Of Being Me. I hope you enjoy! :)**


"Alright alright, how is everyone enjoying the dance?" The man says and momentarily scares me. The people around us all cheer and clap and that made the man smile.

"This year, as many of you know, we held auditions for people to sing up here!" The man says just bit too happily but everyone responds to this energy, cheering louder than before.

"The winner was a very special guy by the name Luke Hemmings who seems to have an eye for Hazel over there." He says and points over to me which causes a few 'awes' to be heard around the room.

"Please give a big round of applause for Luke Hemmings!" He shouts and everyone cheers, everyone cheers for Luke but me. Instead, I run. I run to the bathrooms and lock myself in. I cried and cried and I didn't even know why. I wanted to be the first person Luke saw when he stepped out but I wasn't and now I just wanted to hide.

I cried and slid down the door but as I do, something lands on the ground with a soft thud and I smile as I notice it was the pictures. The pictures that I have kept with me every single day. I almost forgot that I put it in my bra and it must've slipped out.

I stopped crying and stood to my feet, unlocking the door and running back to the stage. I'm out of breath by the time I reach the stage and Luke looks into the crowd. He's frowning until he sees me. His face is filled with joy but I guess he was trying very hard to keep calm.

"Hazel," he begins and I felt like I fell in love with Luke all over again.


I stand there as Luke begins to speak even more, pausing after he said my name. He was just staring at me and all I could do was stare back. I couldn't decipher my feelings right now and I couldn't tell if that was a bad thing. I wanted to be angry but I wanted to be happy. I kept thinking he was still going to sing for me but maybe he is just as mad at me as I am with him.

As I stare into his eyes, I realize that our love is stronger than ever. I missed him, more than you could ever know or possibly understand. I just wanted to kiss him and have him kiss me and tell me it was going to be all right. That's all I wanted right now; was to be loved.

"I know most of you don't really know Hazel," he says and smiles again at me. A few people look over to me as he continues, "and that's really your loss." He adds a small chuckle at the end of his statement while a few people mumbles 'awes' and others gave me a smile.

"She's is probably the most amazing person ever but before I rant about how perfect she is, I need to say something." My smile drops and I am momentarily terrified. What was Luke going to say?

"Have you ever loved someone so much that it makes you blind?" He asks the crowd and my heart races. A few people nod their head and a few girls next to me begin to cry, they seem to be having some problems like Luke and I are.

"Well, so have I. I loved her so much that I literally cannot imagine life without her."

I smile, I smile and smile until my cheeks are throbbing with pain. I don't know what Luke's purpose is by all of this but I can tell you one thing; it is making me beyond happy.

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