Chapter Twelve: Amusement Park

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** Before I start, I would like to say a special thanks to @maddybrady12 for consitently reading my story! Her story is also amazing so if you'd like, feel free to check out Protect You! This chapter is dedicated to you girly, thanks for voting and reading my story! I appreciate it! :) **

"Ashton, are you ready yet?" I ask impatiently for him to finish doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom.

"Hazel, calm down, I have to find my bandana and then we can go." He says from the closed door. I wait impatiently in his bedroom, sitting on the corner of his bed.

I look around his room, it was pretty boy-ish if you asked me. Except for one poster on the wall that reminded me of something I would have on my wall. I smile at the poster, realizing what band it was; White Eskimo. The five members in that band, I used to be madly in love with them. The poster brings up memories of thousands of pictures, posts, and posters of those five idiots.

I look to the other posters on his walls, mainly posters of All Time Low and Mayday Parade cover his walls just like White Eskimo posters used to cover mine.

"Found it!" I hear Ashton shout from the other side of the door. I smile, picturing that huge grin he probably has on his face after finding something so simple.

"Can we go now?" I ask and the door opens.

"Yes, we can go."

His hair isn't itself, it has an American flag bandana pushing back his hair, almost like the member of White Eskimo. He's wearing just a black tanktop and some really tight skinny jeans and to top off his punk look, black converse and a black leather jacket.

That was a lot of black, even for Ashton but it actually looked good on him and most times, the same color on the same color, really doesn't look good.

"Enough black Ashton?" I ask, jokingly. He really did look good.

"Whatever Hazel. Look at you," He says and points to my outfit, "your daisy shirt and white jeans just match me so perfectly. Good girl," he says and points to me again, "bad guy." He points to himself before laughing.

"Yes because this bad guy saves kittens from dogs." I remark, remembering our walk to the convinient store when Ashton found a small kitten in the alley, surrounded by a dog that wouldn't leave it alone. I remembered how mad Ashton was when he chased the dog away to rescue the kitten. I laughed at him because that kitten wanted nothing to do with him, it scratched the crap out of him. He still has the marks on his arm.

"Hey, that kitten was cute, no matter how many times it attacked me." He says and crosses his arms in front of himself. I laugh at him and he joins me. "Okay bad guy, let's go."

We leave Ashton's house and get into Taylor's car that she let me borrow for today. Ashton offered to take his car but I decided against it, I needed to practice driving. Taylor normally does the driving.

About ten minutes of bickering over what song to play, we arrive at the amusement park, we didn't even get to finish the song he chose.

"I got it." Ashton stepped in front of me to pay for my all day pass.

"Ashton-" I try to protest, I had the money and I didn't want to feel like I owed him something.

"No Hazel, come on. Let me pay." He says, ending the conversation as he hands the lady his money for our passes.

"Thanks." Ashton says to her before handing me my pass.

I take the pass and hand him my money. He laughs at me. "Hazel, just let me buy the damn thing."

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