Chapter 5: Monster

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Trigger Warning: This chapter has some serious topics and I dont want anyone to get triggered by them. If any of you need anything im always here if you need to talk<3

Tyler POV

I didn't even know where I was running to, all I knew is that I had to get out of there. My mind was racing and I couldn't think straight. I just wanted Troye. He always made me feel better, but I didn't deserve him. I didn't deserve anything. I let my own mother die, I was a monster.

That night just kept on playing through my mind, I couldn't forget it no matter how hard I tried.


The music was blaring in my ears, my vision was clouded and I couldn't think straight.

"Another shot." I say, slurring my words

"I think you've had enough sir."

"Fuck you, asshole. I'll tell you when I've had enough."

As the bar tender reluctantly pours me another shot my eyes start to wander around the room. I catch sight of a gorgeous boy sitting in the opposite corner alone. Damn was this boy something. He had the most toned muscles I had ever seen, I just wanted to rip his shirt off and see what else he was hiding underneath the tight black fabric.

Downing my shot I continue to stare at the beautiful boy. He had one of the best quiffs I had ever seen and I couldn't help but notice the tattoo on the side of his neck. Staring at this boy wasn't going to get me anywhere so I manage to get off of the stool and stumble over to him.

"Well hello there sexy eyes, is this seat taken?" Realizing I was talking to him his face lights up and he eagerly shakes his head no, "What's someone like you doing sitting at a table all alone?"

"Well I'm not alone now, am I?" He says with a little bit of sass. I could already tell tonight was going to be fun.

Within minutes of starting a conversation he had me backed up against a wall. He smashed his face into mine and our lips connected. His mouth felt hard and uncomfortable against mine but I couldn't stop feeling his muscles, moving my hands up and down his torso, begging him to let me rip his shirt off. It wasn't romantic at all, it was filled with lust and it was sloppy but I couldn't pull away. He moved his hand from my neck and starting tugging at my hair, making me moan.

I feel my phone start to ring in my pocket, of course the one time my phone rings I'm actually doing something. He hears this and without breaking the kiss reaches into my back pocket and takes my phone out. Leaning into my neck he whispers, "You won't need this tonight."

I feel chills run down my spine when I feel his hot breath on my neck. A few seconds later we are back to making out like nothing had happened.

I barley remember the rest of the night, but the next morning I woke up with one of the worst headaches I had ever experienced in my entire life. As soon as I begin to adjust to the brightness of the room I realize this isn't my apartment and I'm not in my bed. Shit. Last night's events come flooding back and I feel like vomiting. Leaving a note and collecting my things I get ready to leave. I go to take out my phone to call an Uber but when I reach into my pocket it's not there. Searching around the house but not finding it I begin to panic. Then I remember how the gorgeous boy threw it on the floor last night. What if someone needed me? Oh well, they could wait an hour until I got it from the bar.

As soon as I reached the bar I asked the owner if they had found a phone, luckily they had and I was reunited with my baby once again. Looking down at the screen I saw I had 32 missed calls and 14 voicemails from an unknown number. That's weird, I don't usually get blocked calls. It was probably just someone trying to prank me.

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