Chapter 19: Forever

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Tyler POV

A little while after the plane took off Troye started resting his head on my shoulder. Pretty soon I heard faint snores coming from him and when I looked over I saw he had fallen asleep. I grabbed one of his hands and intertwined our fingers. I brought our hands up to my lips and I kissed the top of his hands.

"Excuse me, are you homosexuals?" The older woman sitting next to me asked. I had never heard someone be so blunt about it.

"Uhm, yes, yes we are. Is that a problem?" I tried to be respectful considering her old age but it just bothered me when people questioned my sexuality. I didn't go around asking people if they were straight so why did they have to do it to me?

"Didn't your parents ever tell you that is a sin? You know I can get you help." How dare she? I had no idea who this woman was and now all of a sudden she was telling me I needed to be fixed.

"Actually I am perfectly happy with the lifestyle I'm living so I don't think that any help will be necessary. And didn't your parents ever tell you it's a sin to judge others?"

Before she could respond to my question the pilot announced over the loudspeaker that we were hitting some turbulence and it should clear up within a few minutes but we should all remain seated.

"You see, this is a sign. God is punishing you for your sinful nature. Help yourself while you can, it's not too late to fix this."

"Well I'm not broken, and neither is my boyfriend so I suggest you go about your own business because your opinion doesn't change the fact that I like dick."

Well that shut her right up. She didn't say another word, she deserved it. Nobody is going to tell me how I should or shouldn't live my life. It was my life, whether I like boys, or girls, or giraffes it shouldn't matter. I'm still a person with feelings, and hopes, and dreams.

No opinion of some homophobic woman could ever change the way I felt about Troye. I would take a thousand judgmental glares and hate comments and it all wouldn't matter. No amount of pain could ever overshadow the immense joy that I felt when I was around Troye. Just being in the same room as him made me feel like I was on top of the world.

I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle. I didn't really pay attention to any of the songs I was listening to, I just wanted to clear my head. Music always helped my focus and made me calm down but there was something that I couldn't stop thinking about. Why wouldn't Troye tell me why he hurt himself? We always told each other everything, he knew every single secret about me but I just felt like he kept so much from me. It was like he was hiding an entire side of himself and didn't want anyone to know it was there. He always acted so happy, but it was just an act. He thought I didn't know the difference between his fake smiles and his real ones, but I did. I just wanted to make him happy. Not just give him moments of happiness, but make him happy every second of his life. I wanted his gorgeous smile to never leave his face. I wanted him to always be on the verge of tears from laughing so hard. I wanted him to always feel like he had someone to take care of him.

I felt something hit me in the side of the face and when I opened my eyes I saw Troye staring at me with his big eyes and his hands covering his mouth that was hanging open.

"What the hell Troye? Why'd you throw an M&M at me?" This little twink was unpredictable. It was like having a 5 year old beside me every second of the day. For someone who plays himself off as a mature adult he really was quite an annoying brat sometimes.

"I was trying to get it in your mouth."

"Get what in my mouth?" I winked at him, showing my dirty mind. I loved innuendos.

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