Chapter 31: Tough Decisions (Re-Uploaded for Mobile)

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hey yallll idk what happened with the other chapter but let me know if mobile can see it now thanks babes im so sorry for the confusion:)

Troye POV

Tyler’s strong hand grasped onto my wrist and pulled me away from the table. I didn’t want to go but I guess now I had no choice since he was obviously stronger than me and there was no way he was going to let go now. He threw a $20 bill on the table and quickly walked to his car as I followed behind him. I got into the passenger seat and a loud boom echoed as I slammed the door shut. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself, every single time I’m always the one who gets hurt. I always go crawling back to Tyler no matter what, and quite frankly I’m tired of it. Maybe going back to Perth will be a good thing after all.

Tyler turned the key and the car roared to life, slowly he pulled out onto the street and began driving. I didn’t know where we were going but honestly I didn’t care. I just had to make it through these 60 minutes without falling for him again. My walls were built higher than ever but I had a feeling Tyler would be able to find a weak spot in them and knock them down. I couldn’t let him in, he wasn’t going to break them down again. They were up for a reason and they needed to stay there, I can’t have my heart broken by him again. He may be the love of my life but I can always find someone else. There’s a whole big world outside of Tyler, and even though I don’t want to see it I think I’m going to have to. Tyler is going to be fine without me, and I have to be fine without him.

"You’re doing the thing." Tyler suddenly spoke up, filling the silent car with his beautiful voice.

"What thing?"

"The thing you do whenever you’re thinking about something. You always scrunch up your nose whenever you look out the window and think about something. It’s so cute, whenever we drive somewhere I always sneak glances at you to see if you’re doing it because it’s one of my favorite things about you."

I felt the blush forming on my face and despite trying to stop it I couldn’t. Something about Tyler just made me feel this way I can’t even describe. He had this vibe about him that I was just attracted to. He was like an addiction, no matter how hard I tried to fight it I couldn’t forget about him. He was the first thing I thought about when I woke up and the last thing I thought about before I went to sleep. Pretending not to love him is going to be the hardest thing I’m ever going to have to do, but that’s the thing, I have to do it. If I don’t this cycle of heartbreak will just repeat itself over and over again, and I don’t know how much more I can handle.

Suddenly the car pulled to a quick stop and I jerked forward, feeling a pain in my chest from the sudden impact from my seat belt stopping my body from flying forward. Out of instinct I reached out to grab something to steady myself and my hand met Tyler’s. His soft skin contrasted his bony fingers and despite every nerve in my body telling me not to I intertwined out fingers. Even just this brief touch sent sparks through my body and I felt the butterflies in my stomach return like they never left.

"Well as much as I would love to sit in this car with you just staring into your perfect eyes holding your thin hand that fits perfectly in mine we have memories to be made and a relationship to save." He quickly got out of the car and I followed behind him.

We walked for a few minutes until we reached a large square in the center of a lot with a small cottage like building right next to it. Large poles held up strings that hung around the perimeter with sparkly white balls dangling from them. Some people were around the square but it was mostly empty.

"Tyler where are we?"

"We're at my favorite ice skating rink in California."

We walked closer to the square and as I looked over the small walls surrounding it I saw the shiny smooth ice. Tyler went to go get skates for us and I stood there, looking at the light reflect off of the balls that hung overhead. A few seconds later Tyler came back holding two pairs of skates and that’s when I realized I’ve never been ice skating before and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.

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