Chapter 44: Fortunes

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Troye POV

The sound of birds chirping woke me up from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes and as I rolled over to stretch my stiff muscles and the spikey blades of grass tickled the sides of my cheeks. I rubbed my eyes trying to get all of the dirt from the ground out of them and after giving up only moments later I finally began to sit up. I shielded my eyes from the blinding rays of sun that were pouring down from in between the tree branches and as I looked at my surroundings I saw I was lying on the ground in front of the tree.

I rubbed my temples in confusion, trying to piece together why I was asleep in front of Tyler and I's tree. I usually came out here when I needed to clear my head but never had I fallen asleep here before, well except for the night Tyler and I camped out here, but that was different. I smiled at just the memory of Tyler's face, but then I realized that was why I was here.

Suddenly the events of last night came back to me in a flash and I remembered falling asleep wrapped in Tyler's arms as we cuddled and talked about our future. A warm feeling filled my stomach as I scoured the plain trying to find the lilac haired boy I had finally found again, remembering all of the things we said to each other last night.

I kept looking but each direction I looked was just filled with trees and the occasional squirrel. I thought back over last night, was it possible that it was all just a dream? It felt so real though. I could've sworn that it really did happen, but if it happened then where was Tyler?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and just as my heart dropped at the sight of no new notifications. This was just great. Either Tyler and I never really met last night or we did and he left before I woke up and I honestly don't know which one I would rather have happen.

I buried my head in my hands, trying to fight back the tears. Get it together Troye, it was just hanging out for a few hours, you can't just expect him to fall in love with you after 7 months of pretending like he didn't exist. You were the one that left him; it's your fault if he doesn't want to try again.

Just as my train of thought spiraled out of control and I was completely blowing this out of proportion I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around but nobody was behind me. I swear I'm going insane. I turned back around and I was met with someone dressed in a black sweatshirt and a really creepy devil mask.

After screaming like a 4 year old girl and falling as I tried to get up and kick the creature at the same time a familiar cackle filled my ears and the person took off the mask, revealing their purple hair.

"TYLAH YOU ALMOST MADE ME CHOKE!" I screamed at him holding my chest, trying to recover from my near death experience.

"Wouldn't be the first time." He said as he winked at me, causing my eyes to widen in horror at his reference.

Ignoring my reaction completely he leaned over and grabbed a small camera that was hidden in one of the tree branches.

"And that my friends is part one of scaring Troye. Give this video a thumbs up if you liked this little surprise update and want more in the future. Be sure to subscribe to my victim here and give him some love because he looks like he needs a hug right now. I hope you have a fabulous life and I will see you all next time. Later."

After he finished his outro he turned to me and I just stared at him in disbelief. He was not putting that on the internet, there is no way it is happening.

"I could have died." I said dramatically as I still clutched my chest, holding my heart that felt like it was going to explode at any second.

He just stared at me trying to give me a comforting smile but failing as he broke out into another fit of hysterical laughter. I literally hate him. Okay maybe hate is a strong word considering the fact that I am completely head over heels for him, but either way I still don't like him right now.

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