Chapter 4: And They All Came Crashing Down

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Dull lights flickered above Darcy, her unconscious frame hanging limp tied to the chair as her capture sat in the corner waiting for her to become conscious again. As much as they wanted her conscious waking her wouldn't have the same effect, as her waking up herself. The panic in her eyes as she realises where she was, her panic rising when the figured out who they were. However long it took her to wake would be worth it after all the time they had been trying to find her.

After she took what belonged to them.

"What, w-where am I," Darcy groans stumbling over her words lifting her head. The actions earning a smirk from her captor.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," that was all it took for the poor woman to freeze.

"What do you want with me," Darcy whispers shakily her green eyes meeting the dark brown eyes of the man she never thought she would see again. Guess she was wrong.

"I think you know exactly what I want Dar, but before we begin, I think it's time we make a little phone call don't you think," her captor pulls her phone from behind. "Maybe that husband of yours, or that older boy of yours"

No words come from Darcy's mouth the colour as the colour drained from her face.



This was not happening.

Finally, they headed home. After JJ and Garcia had contacted Emily about the information in Marcus Manning's M.E. report things has moved quickly. The fact that only five of Rebecca's fingers had been found in Marcus's stomach when all of her fingers had been removed, enabled the team to attain a warrant. A warrant for an x-ray for Ferell's digestive tract. That warrant and the state hospital boards declaration that Ferell was in good health means the could have him charged under a criminal trial. Not only as an accomplice of the latest murders but the perpetrator of the murders from ten years ago.

It had been a tough case an everyone was excited to get him. The idea of getting home to Darcy and his kids brought a smile to Spencer's face as he trailed behind the team walking towards the elevator out of the bullpen, which they hadn't longed arrived at from the jet.

I'd like to invite everybody over to my house for a celebration of life liberty and the pursuit of responsible intoxication," Garcia invites them after apologising for her off behaviour during the case. Even after Emily assuring her everything was fine, and there was no need to apologise.

"Sounds good to me," JJ grins as they all file into the elevator chuckling. "I'm sure Will won't mind another night with the boys."

"I'm going to have to pass," Matt exclaims, the elevator continuing down to the ground floor of the office. "Kristy and the kids are expecting me."

"I'm going to thank you but no thank you," Spencer also declines, wanting to get home to his family.

"Maybe next time then Matt," Garcia tells him before turning to the young doctor. "You wonder boy, are another story, what would Morgan say."

Before he could protest, Spencer's phone goes off in his pocket.

"Sorry I got to take this," he pulls out his phone, Darcy's name flashing on his screen.

"Spence," Darcy's shaky voice is the first thing he hears, answering the phone.

"Yeah I'm here, are you ok," Spencer asks his forehead creasing in concern. His words caught the attention of the whole team, who looked at him in confusion. They were all wondering who he was talking to.

"Spencer, I need you to listen to me ok," Darcy's voice replies more forcefully, her voice still shaking. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me, I love you more than you could ever know. Promise me that whatever happens you will look after our babies, promise me, Spence."

"Of course, I will, but what's going on," a pit of fear setting in his stomach as the line stays silent.

"Darcy?" still nothing, the silent line causing Spencer fear to turn into panic.

"How sweet," a masculine voice comes on the line, while Spencer's panic continued to rise. "Man, she sure does love you Mr Reid, or should I say, Dr Reid. Well, you better remember that because it's the last you're ever going to hear from her."

"I'm so sorry Spencer," Darcy's cry could be heard in the background

"No, Darcy," Spencer cries but the line was already dead.

Spencer Reid was a man who had built up walls over his lifetime, walls that people can really break through. After everything that had happened to him in his life, it wasn't a surprise. Now Emily, JJ, Garcia, Rossi, the entire team could only watch as they all came crashing down around him.

"Spence," JJ took a wary step forward as the colour drained from Spencer's face, "What's going on, are you ok."

"No, I'm not ok JJ," he snaps, his emotions getting the better of him. "I've just found out my wife has been taken by, I don't know who.

"Did you just say your wife has been taken," Emily questions her expression mirroring the shock and surprise on the faces of everyone present.

"Yes," I have a wife ok," Spencer confirms his eyes squeezed tightly shut, in an attempt to control his emotions and at the realisation of what he had just said. "Please, I will explain everything, I just need some time to think."

Even though he was completely distraught, he had to be there for Mia, Elijah, and Charlie. They were his priority right now. He needed to get them to the BAU and keep them safe. Then could focus on explaining what was going and find his wife. Not saying another word Spencer continued past his friends and out through the sliding door, everyone knowing not to bother him. He needed to breath, then he had a call to make.

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