Chapter 19: You're Strong Mrs Reid

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The Reid's were all startled by another knock at the door.

"I hope you don't mind the intrusion?" Emily asks the team following right behind her.

Talk about perfect timing, Spencer thought. Meeting the team was just what Darcy needed to take her mind off Charlie still being in surgery, the kids too. It had been nearly two and a half hours before they arrived and he was whisked away. All they could do now was trust in the surgeon.

"Aunt Penny," Mia grinned her eyes finding Penelope. Just like Charlie, the young girl had formed a special bond with the tech genius, one consisting of cute animal videos and glitter crafts. Seeing the interaction Spencer couldn't help by smile. Mia and Charlie weren't the only ones to form a bond with a member of the team, unknown to everyone Eli and Luke had formed quite a bond. Although Eli wasn't openly expressive with his shyness, two had formed a lifelong bond which would undoubtedly bring the young boy out of his shell as it grew stronger.

Quietly observing the room and how comfortable and normal everything felt, Spencer felt a sense of calm wash over him. He couldn't believe how easily his work family and his actual family merged into one. Sure keeping his own family a secret from his colleagues hadn't been the best idea but he in no way regretted it. For him it was the best decision, it kept Darcy and the kids out of the limelight and danger; not in this case but he would do it again in a heartbeat. Back then he wouldn't have been able to protect them he unprepared, but now he was and nothing would stop him from doing so.

"Well boy genius, are you going to introduce us," Morgan smirked, he missed teasing the kids. Although he certainly wasn't a kid anymore.

"Oh yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck. He had been so wrapped up in his head he had forgotten to introduce everyone. "Everyone this is Darcy my wife, and Darcy this is my team, plus an additional member."

Morgan shook his head in amusement at Spencer words. Man how he had missed there banter. These last few years had been amazing with Hank and Savannah but being here now he regretted not staying more in touch. Not matter if or how you leave the BAU would always be a family and it seems he had forgotten that.

"Always so formal Pretty Boy," he bit back, Spencer visibly groaning at the nickname he had a love-hate relationship with.

"Pretty boy," Darcy rose an eyebrow turning to Spencer, Mia and Elijah doing the same as they burst out laughing.

"It's just a nickname that keeps sticking around because people just won't let it go," he glared playfully at the team but it more aimed for Morgan who just grinned.

"Well it's a pretty good one," Darcy giggle causing Spencer to blush. "I might have to use it myself.

"Ok, I like her," Morgan and Penelope both agreed before a doctor entered.

"Agent Prentiss can I speak to you outside," she asked the agent."

"Wait before you go is there anything my son Charlie," Darcy asked desperately for any sort of news.

"I would have to check for you, but I will get back to you as soon as I can," she replies before exiting the room, Emily following behind.

"So I've heard a lot about you from Spence here but why don't I hear it from the sources," Darcy smiles upset about having no news but trying to hide it. Spence could see she wasn't coping as well as she seemed. Once everyone had left he knew she would be a completely different story.

One by one the team told introduced themselves saying a little bit about themselves all of which we're true to what Spencer had told Darcy. It was a nice change of she found, compared to the last however long she had been held in that warehouse; just laughing and being around people who she got along with, cared about and cared about her as well.

When Emily returned she pulled the team and Spencer aside leaving Darcy with the kids

"What's happened," Spencer asked not sure what was going on.

"The doctor just informed me that Dean Owens is still alive he only suffered two gunshot wounds, one to the shoulder and one to his upper arm. He is currently in another room."

"How that monster still alive," Spencer seethed.

"It's better he Spencer and you know it, if he hadn't there would have been no justice," Emily sighed. "he's cuffed to a bed and there are police meant to be guarding his room at all times."

Spencer didn't say anything he knew it was better than the asshole getting away but it still angered him that he was even in the same wing as Darcy and his family. Usually, he wasn't this aggressive but when it came to his wife and kids he went full papa bear.

"When can we talk to the son of a bitch?" Morgan asked his jaw hard. He hated guys like Dean; guys who thought they could control everything and everyone, but Spencer's family being involved made it personal. For him when things got personal, he wasn't going easy.

"Tomorrow, we want him in a position to talk to us," Emily instructed, "I mean it no one talks to him till tomorrow. Now it's getting late everyone I think it's time to call it a day. We have no cases and there is not much for us to do here."

"You want me to take the kids," JJ asked Spencer who nodded.

"If there is not a problem, I just can't leave I need to be here with her," he admitted, while the other all filled off leaving the two friends to head back into the room.

With the kids gone, Spencer and Darcy could finally talk. As soon as she knew they were out of earshot and sight, Darcy burst into tears her calm facade finally crumbling just as Spencer had expected.

"Talk to me Darce," Spencer whispered as he held her for the third time today.

"I thought I was going to make it Spencer, I thought I was going to die," Darcy admitted her words broken by soft sobs. "If you guys hadn't been gotten there when you did I don't know what would have happened."

"Hey we can't think about that now," Spencer told her moving so she could see his face. "All that matters is that your ok and once Charlies out of the theatre he will be."

"I almost lost him to I almost lost him again Spencer, I could still lose him," Darcy's eyes cast down at the bed. "I can't lose him, I just can't."

"And you won't," Spencer told her, his mind just registering her words fully.

"What do you mean you almost lost him again?" he asks Darcy's fate fulling with guilt, realising he knew pretty much everything that had happened with her and Dean.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," She apologised eyes focused on the sheets of her hospital bed, "I thought I could just run and leave it all behind but I couldn't. Charlie nearly did after Dean caused the crash, the accident nearly caused me to miscarriage, that was what I mean I said I nearly lost Charlie again."

Spencer's heart broke even more at her words. He couldn't stand to see her like this.

"Look at me Darcy, I'm not mad and I never will be," Spencer told her placing a finger gently under her chin lifting it so her eyes meet his. "You are strong Mrs Reid, stronger than most women I know and I will never let you forget it."

With that said he leaned for his lips gentle meeting hers in a gentle kiss. her arms wrapping around his neck.

Oh, how he had missed her, her smile, her laugh, her kindness, her lips. He was happy to have her home.


Another day another chapter, hope you all enjoy.

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