Chapter 5: Explanations

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Stepping outside the building Spencer felt an unnerving sense calm wash over him, like he was numb and everything that had just happened hit him full throttle. Finding out his wife had been kidnapped, his team finding out he had a wife, sending an SUV to pick up his kids because there was no way he would be able to leave and realising that they would also be finding out about his kids, it was a lot for a guy to handle at once. His world was imploding, and it felt like his emotions had in some way just frozen in shock.

Questions kept coming as the team stayed silent, as much as they all were wanting to know what on earth was going on, they knew they had to be patient. Whatever this situation was it must have been serious to cause Spencer to act the way he was. More questions came about when one of the FBI's black SUVs pulls up in front of the building with three kids inside; one of which a little girl practically leaps into Spencer's arms, who had been waiting outside.

"Who are they?" Luke asks as they all watch an interaction.

"I have no idea," Emily shrugs. "I have never seen them before.

"Well whoever they are they certainly know our young genius," Rossi quips watching curiously at the interaction between Spencer and the three kids.

"You don't think," JJ turns to Emily whose eyes widened as she understood what JJ was insinuating.

"They couldn't be his kids," Emily shakes her head.

"You never know, I mean he does have a wife," Tara points out.

"And what happened with Mexico," JJ reminds them sadly, the conversation stopping as Spencer walks in the little girl still in his arms the two boys trailing behind.

"So, this is your team," Charlie comments turning to Spencer. "What's going on, it must be pretty serious if were meeting them for the first time were meeting them.

"It's kind of scaring me D-," before Eli could finish his sentence Charlie nudges him as if stopping from saying anymore.

"Hey, Eli I will tell you everything later ok bud," Spencer assure his son placing Mia back on the ground. "Can you please take your sister to the break room, it's the first room down the hall to the left."

With a reluctant sigh, Eli takes his sisters hand, the two of the walking of leaving the others behind. All of who just stood there is silence no one really sure what to say.

"You ok Spence," JJ gaze was full of concern for one of her best friends

"Yeah a bit calmer now,' Spencer sighs, "I guess it's time for me to explain.:

"I think so to," Charlie folds his arms across his chest, "not that I mind being pulled out of school before a test, but I would like to know why."

"And you will," Spencer tells him, "just not in here."

Walking of towards the conference room, soon all find themselves at the round table. JJ, Emily, Rossi, Tara, Luke, Matt and Penelope as sat at the table, Spencer stood at the front of the room Charlie leaning against the corner wall next to him. Despite his unnerved exterior inside Charlie was a scared mess, he didn't know what was going on but it and to be pretty serious if he and his siblings were here.

"Ok first off I have a question," Penelope asks rising her hand, almost causing Spencer to smile at her quirkiness. "Who is Darcy and what do you mean she's been taken."

"Mum's gone," Charlies outburst catches everyone's attention.

"Yes, Charlie she's missing," Spencer turns to the teenager who was understandable freaking out.

"She can't be missing, she dropped me to school just this morning," Charlie whispers not quite believing what he had been told.

"Hey, were going to do everything we can to find your mother," Emily tells him standing from her chair. "I can promise you that."

"Thanks, but that still doesn't stop the fact that the only biological family I have left who actually wanted me is gone," Charlie mutter before storming out the of the room.

"Charlie," Spencer calls after him, but Charlie was already gone

"Give a few minutes," Emily suggests, "beside were going to need to know everything, starting from since when you have had a wife, and from what I can see children as well."


Negative emotions were the only thing going through Charlies mind as he rushed down the hall. Anger, sadness, they were only a small part of what he was feeling.

Guilt washed through the teenage boy as he rushed through the bullpen, bursting into an empty office. What he had just set was something he regretted the second he said it. Sure, what happened with Maeve had shaken his family's life, but that didn't mean he could use it as a weapon when he was angry upset. Honestly, he didn't know how to feel, which was why he was lashing out. All the arguments he and Darcy had been having over the last few months, it was like bricks had been added to the weight he felt on his shoulder. His own mother was missing, and he may never see her again; it was something he never though was going to happen. Even now he never though she would ever not be around; she was his mother and had always seemed like she would always be there.

If only that was a true

"She can't be missing," he whispers to himself, "she just can't."

He could only pray that Spencer and his team found her before it was to late. If not Charlie would spend the rest of his life with regret.


"Thirteen years I've known her for thirteen years," Spencer gaze didn't leave his shoes as he told them, "I meet her after the case in Detroit when Morgan was a suspect. We have been married nearly ten."

This had not been how he had wanted to tell everyone, with his wife life ticking down by the second. He guessed it karma for keeping all this. Even if it was it seemed a bit excessive the universe trying to destroy his sanity; not that it hadn't before, his life had been a constant roller coaster of heart breaking situations.

"Wait thirteen years Spencer, " JJ stares at her friend in disbelief, "you have kept this from us for thirteen years."

"Yes ok, Hotch said it would be the best idea to keep my personal life away from work, and well after what happened with Hailey it kind of solidified the idea," Spencer could barely work up the courage to look at the team. Specifically, JJ and Penelope who he considered his closest friends on the team and had kept all this from, since the beginning. "Then as the years just flew by and it became to late for us to tell you without you freaking out, especially after we had Elijah."

"So, they are you kids."

"Yes JJ, Elijah and Mia are my children," Spencer confirmed, "Darcy had Charlie at eighteen, I've known him since he was four."

"Anyone she mentioned that may want to do anything like this to her," Emily asks her heat hurting to having to ask Spencer the same questions they asked victims families. It just wasn't fair, after everything he had been through in his life; he didn't deserve it.

"No, she hasn't spoken to her parents' years, and Charlies biological father has been out of the picture the same amount of time," Spencer answer knowing this was the only way they could work with to start their search. "He wanted nothing to do with her and Charlie from the start."

"Ok, Garcia I need you to pull up the audio file of the call for me," Emily instructs the technical analysist going into her boss mode. "Were going to need it as a starting point if were going to find her. Reid as much as I'm sorry to ask you this but I need you to contact her parents."

"Got it," Garcia nods along with Spencer before turning to the young agent, "I do have a question, what happened with Maeve if you were with Darcy when you meet her."

Hearing her words Spencer stiffens the name hitting a sore spot for him. Just like that another one of his skeletons came out of the closet.

A huge one and her name was Maeve Donovan.

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