Chapter 6: Maeve Donovan

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Spencer regretted many things that he had done or had happened in his life, but none more than he did Maeve Donovan.

The whole situation started when he got his vicious headaches; piercing migraines that took away his concentration. He had tried to hide it but he just couldn't they had been so bad that they left him dizzy and unable to see properly. Eventually after pressure from Darcy and the team he made a call to a geneticist named Maeve Donovan for help. He and Darcy had hoped she would help them find a solution. For awhile it worked, she was smart, very smart and her intelligent had been something Spencer had admired from the beginning. However, what he hadn't expected was to develop feelings for Maeve the person who was trying to help him. It started out with the phone calls, then he found out that she had a stalker and their calls had become weekly; unbeknown to Darcy. Over time the team began suspicious of his behavior, thinking he was seeing someone; none of the team having any knowledge of Darcy of any of the kids at the time. As expected, Darcy also found out she had noticed a change in her husband behavior too. The length of the phone calls he had with Maeve the way he would be left smiling brightly when they ended. Thoughts of an affair assuming had left Darcy hurting. So, one day when Spencer got home from a case, she told him she was leaving and taking Charlie and Eli with her; that she hoped he would be happy with the women who he had slowly started to fall for. It left Spencer confused and slightly hurt because he of course being the social awkward guy he had been, there was no way had he realized what was had been happening. That he was slowly falling in love with another women. Still today nearly seven years later, he still felt guilty about it all, not only that he had let it happen but had what had occurred afterwards.

He had tried to see if things would work with Maeve, but he realized that what he had felt for her was completely different to what he had felt for Darcy. If only he had a chance to talk to tell Maeve, because before he had the chance to, she was taken; taken by the stalker that had been plaguing the background of the whole situation from the start. He and the team he tried to save her, but they were to late. When they found the stalker and Maeve, the stalker killed her self a bullet through the brain, Maeve's head held right next to her. One bullet killed two people. That was when Spencer broke down completely; not just because he had watched someone, he had grown to care about deeply shot in front of him but because he had had also lost his marriage, the love of his life and the family he had wished for due to it. The team had only though he was grieving for Maeve, but really, he was grieving for both her and that pain he had cause Darcy and now himself.

The whole ordeal had knocked some sense in him, in someway making him into a better person. So, after a while and a bucket load of grieving and soul searching, he plucked up the courage and talked to Darcy. Since she had left, he had been very lucky to still be able to see Eli and Charlie, although Charlie hadn't been to enthuse about the whole idea.

It had taken time but slowly things started to get things back together. Since neither of them had legally filled a divorce they had overtime slipped back into how things had been previously. It almost seemed like the whole situation had been slipped under the rug, but for both, it still sat tucked away in the back of their minds. Which is why they tried so hard to make each other feel like they were loved and appreciated. So that nothing like that would happen or ever come between them.

"Not that today has been full or unexpected things, but I was definitely not expecting that," Garcia comments, after Spencer had finished the story. She along with JJ, Emily and Rossi who had known Spencer longer then most could only watch him; they were all completely flabbergasted.

"Ok so let me get this straight," Luke voices trying to process it all, "you have a wife, Darcy and children who no one knew about for thirteen years. After seeing a geneticist names Maeve about your headaches, your Darcy left with the kids sensing that you were falling for her. Only sometime after she left, Maeve who you had sort of been seeing is kidnapped by her a stalker who shoot herself and Maeve dead. Then after grieving, you find Darcy to try and work it out, which they do. Now our years things are going well until you got the phone call just before, to find that she has been kidnapped."

"Yes," that was all Spencer could say in reply to what the agent had just said.

"Wow you are probably one of the most complex people I have seen in a while," he shakes his head.

"Ohh newbie, you don't know the half of it," Garcia chides rolling her eyes as she exits the room to complete Emily's orders.

"Spence I can call Will to com and pick up-," JJ pauses not completely sure of his kids names.

"Mia and Elijah. I need to break the news to them first, but that would be great thanks JJ," Spencer smiles tiredly as he continued, "Charlie is not going to want to leave so I'm not going to make him, things are already tense as it is."

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