Chapter 9: Another Tech Genius

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Like lightning, Penelope's hands flew over the keyboard scouring every inch of the digital world for information. It frustrated her that no matter what she filed through, bank statements, school records, nothing stood out for why someone would have a reason to take her. Still, she put it in the file she was compiling on the being she knew hardly anything about; Darcy Reid a woman she had only heard about in words. Now however through databases, she finally had a face to a name. It wasn't hard to see what drew Spencer to Darcy, both shared much in common. Sadly deep down Penelope managed to understand that during this search may unearth more than anyone expected.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door to what was nicknamed her lair being flung open. To her surprise, it revealed Charlie the last person she was expecting to see.

"How are you my young sir," she greeted him, the corner of his mouth curling up in a smirk like a smile.

"Ok, I guess," he shrugged trying to hide amusement at her eccentric and bubbly personality. "Just wanting to see what I can do to help."

"Well your decision to enter my Batcave was a great one," Penelope grinned batting the seat next to her; one which she kept for the occasion she had visitors such as the young Reid.

Taking a seat Charlie couldn't help but stare in awe at her computer system, multiple screens littered her desk all a hive of activity. He didn't like to admit it but deep down Charlie was a bit of computer geek, a bit of a surprise considered Spencer was a bit of a technophobe but he loved anything to do with electronics or computer systems. In many ways it was like his little-hidden secret; kind of like a guilty pleasure. Most of his friends just assumed he to digital technology at school cause it was easy but really he actually enjoyed the class. Not even Spencer or Darcy knew this, it was something he kept to himself.

"Ahh, I've got a fellow techie in my mitts don't I," Penelope's words caused the teen to shy away embarrassed.

"That obvious," he replied shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck, the door closing behind him

"Well you did just spend the last few minutes gawking at my system, so I afraid so," Penelope, "You want to help me."

"Are you serious," a wide-eyed Charlie couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Wait isn't that illegal."

"Eh think of it as a mentorship program," Penelope suggested as Charlie broke out in a grin.

"Let help find my Mum," he chaired as he leapt into the chair earning a laugh from the technical analyst who shook her head in amusement.

Knowing there was a line she dare not cross, Penelope showed him around the system his face lighting up in excitement at every new feature. Now helping her he looked like a completely different kid than the one she had met earlier; he was in his element and that made her happy knowing she was helping him.

Charlie as embarrassed as he was having had is secret hobby exposed needed the distraction, even if just for a little while

Meanwhile, after their conversation both Emily and Spencer made their way to Penelope's lair only to stop once outside, being able to hear the conversation inside.

"You sure you're doing ok," they hear Penelope ask from behind the door.

"Yeah apart from not knowing anything, I guess I'm doing as ok as could be expected," Charlie's voice replied. "I know less than half of what little you all know and it sucks I just want to be kept in the loop."

Charlie's words cause Spencer's heart to clench if there was anything more that he was able to tell them he would. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

"Honestly in my experience in this job, it's best that way," Penelope advised the teen.

"it doesn't make me feel even more helpless," admitted once again making Spencer feel even worse.

That was before the loud ding of an alert could be heard, meaning only one thing they had something. Not waiting any longer the two agents opened up. the door to reveal the techie duo. Penelope was once again typing at the keyboard, Charlie positioning himself out of the way not wanting to be a nuisance.

"What you go, Garcia," Emily asked all for people watching the computer screen which was a buzz of activity.

"I've got what should be a last known location of Darcy's phone but the location I have was from almost 6 hours before Spencer got the call," she sighed eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Well, it's a start where was it?"

"Near a little cafe called The Lemon Pie," Penelope replied her eyes not leaving the computer screen.

'That's her favourite cafe," Spencer's eyes widened remembering the little treat she would bring home after work when he was lucky enough to be home.

"I'll go inform the other, Luke and Matt can go down in the morning," Emily voiced her thoughts. "Now Spencer I want you to take Charlie and go pick up the other two. What's most important now is that you are with your family. So I don't want to see you or Charlie let alone Mia and Elijah here tomorrow, spend some time together."

Seeing no point in arguing, Spencer nodded in agreement. Charlie even reluctantly agreed. Although he was a little bummed about not being able to do some more work with Penelope.

"You can come to help me some other time," Penelope offers, "that is if it's ok with our boy genius over there."

"I don't see any problem, just leave the serious work to Penelope ok," Spencer agrees, not be able to say now to Charlies pleading look. "Anyway, we need to get your brother an sister."


Hey guys sorry for such a long wait. 

School has just started back for the beginning of my last year at high school, meaning I'm going to be pretty busy. So sorry if my updates are a little slower as this year is going to be hectic


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