Would you be keen

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Sorry this isn't an update the next chapter is in the process of being written. Things have been very hectic lately with the time of college/University applications along with scholarships. However that wasn't what I wanted to talk to you about. 

Recently I have come up with an idea for a follow up book to Ready Or Not, which focuses on a now eighteen year old Charlie. It would be set at the end of season 14 where I kind or create my one final episode for the season and then continues into what I would like to see in Season 15 in terms of character development. The plot will souley focus on an escaped serial killer or a copy cat and the serial killers children who are called into help with the investigation. 

Would you guys be keen to read this is I wrote it, although I won't be starting this until Ready Or Not has been completed. 

Please comment what you think or if you would read it

Molly xxx


Thank so much for all your support and read this story it means alot

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