Chapter 22: Breaking Point

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"Now before we go in there I'm warning you that Dean is going to try to push your buttons and say things to set you off," Emily tried to prepare Spencer before they entered the hospital room.

"I know we have profiled guys like him plenty of times before," Spencer tried to shrug it off but Emily wasn't having it.

"I'm serious Spencer if you can't keep your cool in there I will not hesitate to send you out. We may have profiled guys like him before but not when personal like this," she made him stop talking turning from friend to boss in an instant. "I know you would never intentionally do anything but with this situation, I have no idea what to expect your emotions have been all over the place. You do have have to admit that right."

"Yes but I would never let that interfere with how I do my job, you of all people should know that. No can we please just get this over with," Spencer snapped sick people treading like eggshells around him like he was about ready to snap or break down. All he wanted was to talk to the man who turned his life to hell once again.

Not waiting another moment the two of them enter the room finding Dean awake and handcuffed to the bed. The sight almost made Spencer smirk but he was smarter than that. Unfortunately, Dean chose that moment to start speaking.

"Finally someone who can unlock these chains," he snarked.

"Unfortunately that's not going to happen," Emily replied "after all you did kidnap the wife and step-son of my colleague here.

"Oh, how could I forget Spencer Reid. The toothpick who I have no idea how he got into the FBI,' Dean smirked seeing Spencer's hand clenched into fists. "Oh did I say something to upset you."

"Oh you did more than that you spineless coward, but that doesn't matter because once you're behind bars things will be much better," Spencer replied, surprising even Emily. This was not the boy genius she had grown to know and love this is was someone different. Even after everything he went he was always the same old Spencer. Maybe this was just one thing too many. His breaking point. She sure hoped not because she did not ever want to see him or any one of her team go down that route. It was a route she had many friends go down and no of them ended with a happy ever after.

"What are you even here for," Dean asked, "cause it can't be for milk and cookies."

"We have some things to discuss with you," Emily told him. "'We have got enough evidence from you shooting Charlie and the arrest to put you away for good. Now if we can show you cooperated a judge could be slightly more lenient, a nicer person perhaps."

Now it was Spencer's turn to be surprised, but that slowly turned into anger as he fled the room Emily going after him. Spencer only saw red as the door slams behind him, Deans laugh and Emily's words ringing in his ear. How could she even think about a deal after everything that bastard had put his wife and Charlie through.

"A deal, you seriously trying yo make a deal with this guy," Spencer snapped directing all his anger towards his boss and friend. "After everything that has happened in these last few weeks you're trying to cut him a deal."

"Spencer do you think if this goes to trial that he's going to plead guilty," Emily tried to explain what she was doing. "With the evidence we have and his prior conviction we can put him away now with a deal. No trial, and no cross-examination or witness testimonies which both Darcy and Charlie would have to be put through. Do you want them to go through cross-examination by the defence."

"I know but I can't stand the idea of him sitting pretty in a 'nice,' prison. How is that fair after what he did." Spencer fought back

"And how is it fair to put your wife and son through the trauma of a trial when we can put him away right now," Emily finished as Spencer walked away.

"Take it things didn't go too well," Rossi spoke once she reached the group.

"The moment I mentioned a deal Spencer flipped out," Emily confessed.

"Wait you're wanting to do a deal with the guy, you have got to be serious," Morgan jumped in.

"Do you want to see Spencer, Darcy and those kids put through a trial," Emily replied shutting Morgan down. "He's at his breaking point guys, it's only a matter of time before he snaps."

Before anyone could reply Doctors and nurses were seen rushing towards Charlie and Darcy's room alarms blaring. On instinct, the whole team rushed towards the room only to be blocked along with Spencer, Mia and Elijah from entering. Inside a nurse could be seen holding Darcy as the Doctors worked on Charlie. Spencer was frantic trying to get inside but no matter what he did, he couldn't get through. It was then that Emily knew it he had reached the point of no return.

His breaking point.


I just wanted to apologise for the long wait for this chapter, writers block has had me stumped. Don't worry I am back and rearing to go

What do you things going to happen is Charlie going to make it???!!!


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