Chapter 13: Truth and lies, Part 1

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Three days

It had been nearly an entire week since Charlie's outburst and Spencer's conversation with JJ and things hadn't change. You would have thought after a few days' things would have calmed down but in reality, it had only gotten worse. Charlie's attitude had only become more and more hostile and angry, to the point he almost completely ignored Mia and Elijah, arguing in every conversation he and Spencer had.

I just need to be patient; he had told himself repeatedly over that's few days, but he knew he was kidding himself. He needed to talk to Charlie only to put it off in order to spare the drama and hoped the teen would eventually come to him; unfortunately, that wasn't seeming very likely.

"Charlie breakfast," Spencer called as he finished cooking the bacon, it had been a busy and well quite a hectic few days. Shortly after he talked to JJ, the team was called in for a case and had only just gotten back the previous night. So, nothing else had really been done about Darcy's case apart from the fact that she never made it to the Lemon Pie according to the owner and Garcia had finally finished combing through her file. Thankfully consulting with the team kept his mind busy but he still couldn't help but analyse what could have been done to prevent any of it from happening.

No response was heard as Charlie entered the kitchen walking straight past Mia and Elijah who were eagerly waiting for their breakfast.

"Charlie," Mia grinned, despite her brother's attitude Mia didn't let it faze her. As usual she was ignored.

"Your mean," she grumbled with a pout.

"Yeah well you're just a little kid who doesn't know what you're talking about," he bit back taking his plate before he retreated to his room. Spencer sighed as he places two plates on the breakfast bar.

"I hate him, Mia frowned, finally having had enough of her brothers' antics.

"Mia, you should say that," Spencer scolded her lightly, "I know he's being a mean, but he's upset just as much as you are about Mum being gone. We need to be there for each other even if one of us isn't."

As much as Spencer hated Charlies attitude, there was no way he was going to let it destroy Mia and Elijah's relationship. The last thing Charlie needed was to lose another family member out of this. So, it was then and there he decided it was enough, he knew Charlie was hurting but he wasn't going to let him take everything out on the people who we're trying to help him. Sucking up his courage, Spencer turned off the oven before making his way to Charlie's room knocking on the door. When he didn't get a reply, he knocked again not wanting to barge in but again there was no response.

"Charlie can I come in," he asked knowing exactly what was going to be said in reply.

"What do you want, can't you see I don't talk to compulsive liars," Charlie's voice muttered before Spencer opened the door, finding the teenager sitting on his bed eating his breakfast.

"Ok I have had enough, I understand you have every right to be angry at me I was the one who put us in this position by keeping you all a secret but I did it because I cared about you all. I didn't want you caught up in my work world. Be as angry at me all you want but I will not tolerate how you are treating your brother and sister they have done nothing wrong ok. I get you are hurting but you have no need to be a complete asshole," It was like all the pent-up tension left Spencer as he spoke, everything he had bottled up due to being patient exploding. Only he regretted it when Charlie placed his plate on the bedside table standing up from his bed.

"Oh, I have every right to be angry with all of you, my mother has been taken because of my stepfather's stupid decision and nearly all my life I have been lied to. So, I don't give a flying fuck what you think Spencer you're not my Dad and you never will be," Charlie lashes out taking the young doctor aback.

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