Chapter 18 - Family Time

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Waking up in a hospital surrounded by nurses did nothing to calm Darcy's heightened nerves. Neither did not knowing where Charlie was.

"Where's Charlie, wheres my son," she panicked her heart monitor spiking.

"Mrs you need to calm down," one told her in an attempt to get her to try and calm her heart rate

"No, I will not calm down. WHERE IS MY SON," Darcy snapped her heart rate sending of alarms once again.

"Mrs please, I need you to calm down," the same nurse repeated. "If you don't we will have to sedate you."

"Excuse me, sir you can't go in there," another nurse could be heard blocking the room's doorway.

"Yes I can, the women freaking out in there is my wife," Darcy immediately recognized the voice her heart rate on the monitor quickly going down. Although it wasn't by much.

"Spence she called out as he pushed his way inside. "Wheres Charlie?"

"It's ok, don't worry he's alive just still in surgery," Spencer told her honestly knowing sugar coating it wasn't going to make a difference.

"Surgery, what happened?" Darcy's monitor spiked again as her eyes widen. "How bad is it?"

"He," Spencer struggled to find the words his heat dropping at having to tell her the news, "he got shot Darcy, but they are patching him up as we speak he's going to be just fine."

It wasn't a surprise she hadn't remembered what had happened the anesthetic had wiped her out. So hearing Charlie had been shot Darcy broke down in tears as Spencer held her and sensing she was in good hands the nurses left as Spencer comforted her.

A little while later there was a knock at the door, opening it Spencer found JJ standing there with a very anxious Mia and Elijah.

"Sorry, they couldn't wait, I won't come in you guys need family time," she gave him a small smile.

"Mummy," Mia squealed as she pushed past her father racing towards the bed only to be scooped up by her fathers as Elijah followed after her inside.

"Not so fast, I know you are excited to see her, but Mummy is sorry so you need to be careful," Spencer told her as she frowned.

"It's ok she can sit on the bed beside me, just be gentle of ok sweetie, you to Eli," she smiled at the young boy hung back not sure what to do.

"I missed you all so much," she told them as both children crawled in beside her nestling into a gentle hug along with Spencer. Outside everyone stood watching the young family at a distance through the glass windows.

"Still kinda hard to believe he managed to keep this all a secret," Emily smiled.

"I never thought I would see the day the kid settled down," Morgan chuckled, "and after all the years of me trying to set him up, he was settled down and had a family.

"Now I think that's enough family time it's time to meeMrs Reid," Penelope practically squealed, her enthusiasm causing the team to laugh.


Hey guys, I know this is again a shorter chapter but I hope some more fluffy Reid family moments will make up for it. Thanks so much for the support you guys are amazing and keep me writing. Please keep it coming.

Also, I have started another account for my non-fanfiction stories once I post. If you like my writing and are interested in one day reading so of my normal fiction stories feel free to follow me.

If not please just keep being the amazing support you are

Molly xxx

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