Chapter 12: Uncharted Territory

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"Daddy," Mia's giggle woke Spencer the next morning as she poked his cheeks. "Daddy wake up let's go see where Mummy is."

Her words sent Spencer's eyes flying open, the poor girl had completely forgotten the events of the previous day in her sleep. Realising this left what felt like a rock in his stomach.

"Hey honey, Mummies not here," Spencer began softly, "You remember what happened yesterday, going to Will's house right.

Mia's eyebrows furrowed in through sitting cross legged next to her father. Her mouth formed an O shape, everything coming back to her. Spencer could only pull her into a hug as he bright blue much like her mother shone with tears. Each sob which escaped her cracked his heart even more, she was his little girl and hated seeing his upset, along with the boys; none of them needed this now especially with all that had happened in previous years.

"Where going to get her back honey, Mummies going to be back home soon," he whispered stroking Mia's hair as she cried.

"Yeah right," Spencer looked up to see Charlie in the doorway. "Why are you lying to her, when let's face it the only way Mum's coming home is in a body bag."

"Charlie that was completely uncalled for," he snapped surprised by Charlie's sudden change in attitude, he thought they had made some ground yesterday but obviously not.

"Well it's the truth," the teen shrugged turning to find Elijah behind him, who had obviously heard everything along with Mis who was now crying harder into Spencer's shoulder. What a great start to the morning.

"How can you stay that, "Elijah frowned at his brother, "you don't know that."

"And how can you trust a man whose been lying about our and Mum's whole existence for years," Charlie bit back, "You don't know what else he's been lying about."

"Charlie," Spencer called as the teen stomped back off down the hall. Seeing Elijah's upset expression Spencer waves, him over. "Come here buddy."

Still Spencer couldn't help but feel the weight of truth behind Charlies words. For years he had lied to the team about his own family and he lied to both in regard to Mexico which got him sent to prison. Maybe he was a liar and thought made him feel sick.

"Hey, listen to me you two, don't listen to what he said ok," Spencer told his two youngest. "Your brother is just angry and upset. We are going to be do everything we can to find your mother and bring her home. "

The two youngsters nodded the three of them sitting in silence. Today would be a long day.


With Mia and Elijah set up with a movie, Spencer decided to seek some advice. Charlie's attitude had only gotten worse since the morning. Sure, he had helped with situations of bad attitudes but nothing like this. He knew Charlie was only acting like this due to his anger at the situation, but he wasn't sure how to approach it. So, he sought the advice of a trusted friend JJ.

"Hey Spence, everything ok," she answered quickly.

"Not really," Spencer sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry to bother you."

"Don't apologise how can I help," she replied.

"I'm just having a bit of trouble with Charlie," Spencer finally admitted. He's just been so hostile since I woke up and I know he's hurting but whenever I try to talk to him, he either ignores me or nearly blows up in my face. Any pearls of motherly wisdom."

"Looks like you've got yourself covered Papa bear," she chuckled slightly trying to lighten the mood. "Although Charlies much older than my boys whenever they ever act like that it is when they are upset and can't process what they are feeling. Its common at any age. Charlie will come to you when he's ready, sometimes we just need to wait."

Deep down Spencer already knew what she said was right, but he hadn't really experienced a situation like this. Naturally his intellectual brain wanted to seek out a second opinion, however that didn't make it any easier.

"Again, sorry for disturbing your time with your kids," Spencer apologised once again before hanging up, "I really appreciate your advice."

Now he just needed to wait it out.

He just hoped the wherever Darcy was she was holding on, unaware of her still unconscious body lying broken and bruised on the warehouse floor.

Back in his room Charlie sat room angrily staring at the letter he held, hands clenched around the three pages of paper. He didn't know what to think everything the letter said if true would change everything. Everything was so confusing, I mean the person who sent him the letter was his birth father, why would they lie to him. Sure, he had never met the guy, but he sure had a damn good explanation why. Even just the thought of it made him angry.

Why was everything such a mess


Hey guys so sorry for the wait in updating, things have been a bit hectic with school 

Molly XXX

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