Chapter 10: A Dose Of Reality

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Spencer could barely contain his nerves as he pulled into the Le Montanes driveway, Charlie seated next to him in the passenger seat. There was no doubt in his mind JJ had filled Will in on the situation and this would be the first they would have had a chance to talk since it all happened. Sure they had seen each other when Will came and collected Mia and Elijah but there hadn't been time to chat. Who knew what Will was thinking.

"You ok?" Charlie asked raising an eyebrow at his stepfather's change in body language.

"Yeah I'm fine it's been just been a tough day," Spencer admitted grimly. Neither said a word as the approached the front door, Spencer ringing the doorbell. Shortly after will greeted them with a sympathetic smile.

"Mia, Eli your dad's here," he called over his shoulder.

"Daddy," Mia squeals racing down the hall into Spencer's arms.

"Little Bunny," he replied with just as much excitement, smiling at Elijah who followed shortly after. The young boys arms automatically wrapped around his fathers waist, "hey there buddy, I missed you guys so much."

"Uncle Spencer," Henry and Michael grin running towards him, well more like tottering in Michaels case.

"Well that's not a sight I thought I would be seeing so soon," Will chuckled lightly at the sight of the four kids all latching onto the young doctor.

"Don't leave me like that again," Mia mumbled into Spencer's shoulder causing him to swallow slightly guilt settling in his stomach.

"What am I chopped liver," Charlie teases catching his siblings attention, his joking manner a cover up of how unwelcome he felt despite no actions suggesting it.

"Charlie," Mia and Elijah cry out in excitement once again. Eager to get to her older brother Mia squirmed viciously in Spencer's arms as he lowered her to the ground, the three boys still latching onto him releasing him from their embrace.

"Henry, Michael, come meet Charlie," Elijah called to the boys who followed him over the teen, Mia nearly asleep in his arms already.

"You've got a quite the little unit," Will smiled with pride at his good friend.

"I know, I just wish you got to see it complete," Spencer admitted smiling softly at children, a feeling of sadness washing over the mood.

"They will find her," Will tried to reassure him,. "You, JJ and the team will find her and you can be a full unit once again."

His amazing wife had filled him in on everything and watching the scene in front of him. hurt his heart, In the years Will had known him Spencer had gone through so much and he did not deserve this, no one did. Life was a cruel being who left no one untouched.

"Alright as much as I love that you are all having fun, it's getting later by the minute and I'm afraid we need to head home," Spencer the four young kids who were avidly chatting with Charlie, even Mia who could hardly keep her eyes open. His words earn a flood of awe's and groans but reluctantly everyone said goodbye, Mia, Elijah and Charlie following Spencer back to their car. With everyone picked up and in the car it didn't take long for the incomplete Reid family to return home.

"How about the two of you choose a movie while I put this sleeping beauty to bed," Spencer suggested referring to the sleeping Mia in her arms.

"Yessss," Elijah cheered rushing off into the lounge Charlie following behind.

Despite the seemingly happy moment a veil of sadness lay underneath. Tonight they just needed to relax and forget a little tomorrow they could worry and being to process.

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