Chapter 14: Truth and Lies (Part 2)

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"Spence what are you doing here," JJ asked noticing Spencer as he Mia and Elijah entered the building.

"I needed to speak to Emily, I think I might have a break in the case," he replied feeling quite frazzled everything swirling around in his mind as he tried to push past her the kids looking a little concerned at their father's behaviour. First of which if what he thought was going on with this letter was true then he needed to find Charlie before trouble started.

"Whoa Spence take a breath," JJ stopped him from passing her hands holding both his shoulders. "You need to slow down ok; your emotions are going haywire, slow down and prepare yourself before heading into her office. I'll watch Mia and Elijah."

With an understanding nod Spencer took a breath, turning to his two youngest kids. "I need you to stay out here I've got some things to do but Jennifer here is going to keep you both companies, ok I'll be out soon."

"Wait so she's aunt Jennifer" Elijah asked looking at her with a thoughtful expression on his face. He thought she was familiar and knew she was Will's wife, but things all fell into place.

"Aunt Jennifer," JJ smiled quirking an eyebrow at the young doctor who she treated like a brother. "I well that's a nice ring to it."

"Daddy says we have lots of aunts and uncles from work," Mia giggles at the female agent's reaction.

"Well I guess I have a little more explaining to do but I really need to See Emily," Spencer laughed sheepishly, temporarily distracted from his mind. With a quick hug with his kids, he headed up to his boss's office not knowing what to expect.

"Tell me everything m," Emily told him as he took a seat before her desk, placing the letter Charlie had received onto it. Not wanting any more delays, he launches right in repeating what he had told her on the phone. Everything from Charlie's attitude change, to the fight they had, finding out about the letter and Charlie storming out of the house.

Meanwhile Charlie stalked down the street anger clouding his emotions. He had no idea what to feel. Yes, he understood there was a reason his mother had left his biological father, and that was the exact reason he didn't want to tell Spencer about the letter. With his mother missing, he had known his stepfather would react the way he did. Yes, there were reasons why he should have told Spencer, but he needed this. He needed to figure out what his own father was like for himself, not just trusting the opinion of his. Maybe it wasn't the smartest decision but when else would he get the chance. He had been talking with him through text the last few days, but it was a better time than any to try and call.

Pulling out his phone having already saved the number on it. No second thoughts he dialed the number his breath hitched as he waited for an answer.

"Hello, Charlie," a masculine voice asked, "is everything OK?".

"Yeah, I got in a fight with Spencer, is it possible for you to pick me up? " Charlie replied. "You're still in Quantico right."

"I sure am son, where are you and I'll come and get you," the male voice asked feigning concern. "I everything ok?"

"I got into a fight with Spencer," Charlie admitted still angry at the situation.

Meanwhile on the other end of the line Dean could only just hold back his smirk at the words. His plan was going just as he expected. His boy was just as easy to manipulate as his mother had been.

"Say no more, I'll be there soon," he replied before hanging up. Walking back into the locker room next to him,

"That didn't take very long at all didn't, looks like our special guest will be with us sooner than I thought sweetheart," Dean grins Darcy who sat in the back corner still battered and bruised for Dean's previous lesson. Hearing his words her eyes widened in fear. It hadn't taken long for her to realise after he first mentioned the special guest who it would be, and the thought made her sick to her stomach. As she much tried to protest and beg him not to, her words muffled by the cloth the gagged her mouth. A measure Dean had implemented after the lesson along with tying her back up.

"Wait, I forgot you can't talk," he chuckles leaving the room, single tears running down Darcy's cheeks.

Now all Dean had to do was get Charlie and things couldn't be going smoother.

His plan was finally coming together


"I've got something," Penelope called running back down the hall where Spencer waited anxiously for her information. Although it didn't actually take that long, with her being the technical genius she was.

"What is it," Spencer along with the other members of the team who were all curious.

"Follow me," she gestured spinning around in her colourful dress flowing around her as they followed her back to the round table. Once they were all seated, she begins the presentation.

"OK so I analysed the letter for fingerprints and its handwriting, the fingerprints got me nowhere but the handwriting that opened up a whole new can of worms," Penelope continued clicking a remote, so a picture of dean appeared on the screen behind her. Of course, no on apart from her knew who he was. "Meet Dean Owens, the mysterious writer of the letter and Charlie's biological father."

Back at the warehouse Dean finally returns with Charlie who is extremely confused about what they are doing there.

"I just need to pick something up," Dean tells him as the two of them enter inside, only once they do Charlie spots his mother and everything falls into place.

"No, no, no," Charlie repeated stepping back to try exit the room, but the door was already bloated shut. "You, you lied to me."

"Oh, don't be so surprised," Dean scoff, "you really need to learn to trust your stepfather, seriously it's just as pathetic as your mother."

His words brought Charlie back from his shock as he sprinted over to his mother seeing the full extent of her battered state.

"What did you do to her," he screamed at Dean who stood there nearly smirking satisfaction.

"I just taught her a lesson," Dean shrugged before exiting the room bolting it shut once again.

"I'm so sorry," Darcy whispered constantly pulling Charlie down into her arms, "I'm so sorry."

Both of them just sat there in a mess of emotions, neither able to process or comprehend what was really going on.


Here we go chapter 14

Sorry about the late update thing have been really busy with assignments and being in my final year at high school


P.S. - Would you guys be keen to read an original idea of mind if I posted it on here

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