Chapter 21: Questions

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Spencer couldn't help but watch as his wife and step-son slept. He hadn't been back to sleep since the nurses came and checked on the two patients nearly exactly an hour after Charlie had been escorted back into the room. That had been at three in the morning that was hours ago. His anxiety was at an all-time high especially they fact he knew every statistic about people note waking from a coma. So he just sat there praying Charlie would pull through and Darcy would wake up soon.

"Hey I didn't know if you would be awake yet," JJ quiet voice caused him to jump as he head world around to find her.

"What are you doing here, I wasn't expecting you here this early?" Spencer asked checking his watch.

"Well you and your children must have the same sense they were up at six wanting to come and visit," she replied.

"Where are they anyway," Spencer questioned looking around for Mia and Elijah.

"I managed to convince them that getting you coffee was a good idea," JJ smiled sadly her eyes finding Charlie's bed. "How long has he been out of surgery."

"One," Spencer sighed his fingers tapping on his thighs. His mind felt like it was going a hundred miles an hour. "I fell asleep after the doctors left but got woken again at three by the night watch nurses."

"Spencer," JJ began to say, but he cut her off.

"Don't even try JJ," he said quietly, "I'm not going home, not with my wife and son are in hospital."

Before the blonde agent could reply Mia and Elijah returned.

"Charlie," Elijah whispered eyes wide as he spotted Charlie. Without thinking he quickly put himself in front of MIa, not wanting her to see him. The sight has scared him enough he didn't want his little sister seeing it. Unfortunately, she frowned slipping past him, only to drop the coffee in her hand when she saw Charlie.

"Charlie," she shrieked, terrified by the tubes and machines crowding her older brother. On instinct, she ran towards him but Spencer quickly scooped her up as Darcy jumped awake. Her head thrashing from side to side having heard the scream.

"Hey hey, it's ok," Spencer cooed rubbing his daughter back as she sobbed

"What's going on," she asked holding her side as she pushed her morphine, the sudden movement triggering a truckload of pain. She quickly found her answer seeing Spencer holding a hysterical Mia and Elijah staring at his brother's bed as JJ tried to talk to him.

"Can you hand her to me," she asked her husband holding her arms out for her daughter, "Eli come her baby."'

Sensing this was a private moment JJ stepped out of the room, with the intention of trying to find something to pick up the coffee Mia had dropped. Meanwhile, Darcy cradled her two youngest in each of her arms as Spencer stood watching them as she tried to explain what was going on with Charlie.

"Is he going to be ok," Elijah asked his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"If everything goes to plan," she replied truthfully. "Like I told you guys, he's was really badly hurt. All we have to do is wait so his body can heal."

"Hey Spence," JJ whispered as her head popped out from behind the door after what felt like forever. "Emily wants to talk to you."

"I'll be out in a minute," Spencer replied kissing Darcy's forehead as she, Elijah and Mia had fallen asleep. The emotion of Charlie's return from surgery tiring them all out. There was also the fact that Spencer knew Elijah wouldn't have slept much anyway, the anxiety keeping him up. They were both very alike in that way.

"Ok so what do you need?" Spencer asked approaching the team.

"It's time to go and see Dean," Emily admitted, Spencer's body stiffening at the sound of the name. This was finally it, the confrontation.

It's time to talk to the monster.


Sorry for such wait for this update, things have been hectic. 

I just finished my final year of high school and am now in the process of completing my Level 3 NCEA exams (SAT/ACT equivalent in NZ). So I am busy studying and may need some patients for more updates.

Keep sending the support it's whats inspires my writing. 


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