Chapter 17: All You Can Do Is Wait

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The sound of gunshots sent Spencer into a panic as they neared the room JJ and Morgan had entered. He knew there was a situation but now things had only gotten worse. 

"Medic," Morgans voice bellowed at the top of his lungs as Spencer began to sprint. "We need a medic in here."

Pushing his way into the room his heart broke at the sight of Darcy cradling a now unconscious and bleeding Charlie her hands putting pressure on his wounds. Next to him lay the monster JJ pressing against his wounds as he lay unconscious.

"Why are you helping him," Spencer questioned bitterly, eyes narrowed in resentment for the man who had set out to take his wife and son from him.

"We can't just not help him kid," Morgan placed a hand on his should, medics rushing past the two men. Morgan couldn't help but worry, Spencer was in a daze like he wasn't really processing the situation. 

"No I'm not letting go, I'm not leaving him," Darcy fought against the medics attempts to remove her from her son. The sound of her voice so distraught, so broken sent Spencer rushing forward pulling her into his arms as the medics took over Charlie's injuries. His heart broke as she sobbed burying herself deeper into his embrace. All he wanted was to take away her pain, erase this nightmare from all there minds. It wasn't that easy though. With everything he, Darcy and the kids had gone through moving on without actually dealing with it wasn't an option, let alone flipping it off like a switch. 

"I've got you, I've got you," Spencer murmured trying to comfort her the best he could.

"Reid, she needs to go to the ambulance," Emily told hin appearing in the open doorway. Sitting there the couple hadn't noticed time passing around them as they held each other embrace. With a simple nod, Spencer tried to help Darcy up but she winced in pain.

"I want you to go with Charlie," she told him as he carried her out of the warehouse to one of the waiting ambulances. "I can't risk not knowing if he's ok I can't lose him."

There was a silent understanding between the couple, both silently agreeing with what had just been said. Emily couldn't help but feel mixed emotions as she watched the two. Admiration of how strong they were, adoration of how much they loved each other and sympathy for all the terrible things they had gone through with his family; finally she felt anger, anger for the man who had brought them so much pain. No human deserved it. No one no matter who they were.

Reluctantly Spencer left her in the capable hands of the paramedics kissing her forehead before he walked over to Charlie ambulance climbing inside. 

"You going to be fine of bud," he told the unresponsive teen, trying to reassure himself more than anything. "You going to be fine, you have to." 

Not much else happened as everyone disperses, the three ambulances racing towards the hospital. Once they arrived Charlie and Dean were rushed into the theater in hope of keeping them alive. Darcy was put under anesthesia, in order for her wounds to heal and injuries to be set. 

"Where are they? Whats happened?" Penelope's frantic voice could be heard as she greeted the team, Mia and Elijah following behind her. 

"Dad what's going on," Elijah asked concern and distress clear in hie voice. 

"Where's Mummy?" Mia followed confusion covering her face. She had been told her Mummy was missing and now she was back it. It was a little more than a four-year-old could take.

"We found Mummy, and we found Charlie," Spencer told them bending down so he was closer to there sight. "They are both being treated at the moment, we can see them soon, we just have to wait."

That was all they could do

Just wait.


Another Chapter for you guys enjoy

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