chapter 2

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Here's a longer chapter. Enjoy !!
Aria's dress above!!

Aria's POV
I sat on the couch, Indian style as I sipped my coffee rather slowly. The lawyer our parents sent sat down in between Derek and I as he pulled out a few documents from his briefcase. "Mr and Mrs Martin " he cleared his throat and continued to speak "I'm sure you know the documents you signed before the wedding was arranged by both parties families ". I nodded while Derek gave a sharp yes. "it states that both of you are expected to live
together under the same roof for a period of a year and it also states that it is only after that term has been adhered to that you can file for divorce and divorce can be filed in the case of infidelity which I'm sure won't happen ". I saw Derek's face light up almost immediately. "All we have to do is live together for a year then we can get divorced? " he inquired. "Yes Mr Martin, that's correct ". I felt a part if me die a little inside. We were married for only three days and he was already planning a divorce. "I had the papers drawn up immediately but you'll have to wait a year to sign these" the lawyer, Mr Lonnie continued to speak. "I don't care" Derek picked a pen from the coffee table, "I'm signing now", he informed us. He left his print on the fine dotted line at the bottom of the paper. Mr Lonnie turned to me "would you like to sign now?? " he asked. I shook my head and turned away. "whatever " Derek snarled at me. "in any case that the one year residence is violated, the deal between the two families in which Mr Alan Montgomery provides Mr Gregor Martin with steel and in return, Mr Gregor Martin provides Mr Alan Montgomery with tech will become null and void" Mr Lonnie stood "have a good day".

I watched as Derek stood, adjusting his Rolex. "I'm making succotash " I informed him "want some?? ". He looked at me, disgust in his icy cold eyes. "Not a chance in hell" he replied, like spitting poison on my face. I stood, ignoring his words as I made my way to the kitchen.

As I worked, I wondered why the hell he despised me so much. The only thing I had done was marry him, yet he made it seem like I was a demon from hell sent to destroy his life. I mean, he wasn't the only one in this predicament and it want my fault either. I was just as frustrated as he was yet I managed to keep my cool. He might not know it but he is an annoying brute. The last three days I spent with him was a total nightmare.

On our wedding day, when we arrived at the mansion, he told me to my face that he'd rather have sex with a frog than sleep in the same room with me. I hadn't been more hurt in my entire life. His help, an older woman named Sally had to show me to one of the guest rooms. I spent my wedding night alone, wondering what I had done wrong for deserve such treatment.

Yesterday, I said good morning to him and he pretended not to hear me. At breakfast and dinner, he had his food brought up to his home office, I sat alone at the grand dinning room, swallowing what felt like saw dust to me. He was such a handsome man but had the personality of the devil.

And today, he happily signed pre-divorce papers. I'm sure he would be so happy to get rid of me.

I was still lost in thought when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it off the counter and smiled when I saw the caller ID. It was Dawn, my best friend.

"hey bitch"

I laughed when I heard her voice. "hey ho".

"how's life as a married woman like? "

I sighed and settled the phone in between my shoulder and neck, using my head to hold it firm, "it sucks ".
She laughed "it'll get better". I heard shuffling before she asked "have you been down there already?". I cringed in disgust "yuck no". I could hear the amusement in her voice "I bet he'll be yummy down there". I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue in horror "I'll hang up if you say another dirty statement ". She giggled and said "when he puts it in you, I bet you won't be able to walk for days". "Dawn!! " I whined. She laughed and said "sorry, I'll stop". I scanned the area before saying "I'm not sure he'll be putting anything, anywhere ".

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