Chapter 19

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Arias POV
          I was in the living room when I heard the door bell go off. Tired and through swollen feet, I went to see who it was since the maid was off today, I was home alone.

    I opened it up to reveal a raven haired beauty in black crazy booty shorts, a red lace bandeau, aviator shades, blush pink Nike trainers and a beautiful smile.

   "Jade" I screamed as we hugged "I've missed you".

   She walked in and pulled a magazine from behind her.

   "What's that!" I asked, cautiously, leading the way into the living room.

    "This is NY gossip magazine and apparently you and Derek made front page" she informed me, handing it to me.

   I collected it and unfolded it so I was looking at the front page. It was a picture of Derek and I at grangeview restaurant from yesterday. In the picture, His hand was over mine and we both looked relaxed as if everything was perfectly fine.

    The heading read, in bold red letters that were hard to miss 'NO ONE ROCKS PREGNANCY LIKE DEREK AND ARIA MARTIN'
  "Read the last two paragraphs" she urged, with a smile.

   'Why we love them? Derek and Aria are the perfect couple sculpted in heaven and commissioned by God himself. Soon to be parents, New Yorks favourite couple are seen at Grangeview taking time off from the world to be with each other. If this picture above doesn't scream LOVE, then surely love doesn't exist.

    Aria Martin as we often call America's Princess, has it all; an influential father,a Rolls Royce phantom gifted to her by Derek for their first anniversary,the dream house we only dream of, a walk in closet,a bank account with eight figures, the perfect summer body all year long, a baby on the way for one of the most influential families in America and above all, the blue eyed perfect husband. She lives the perfect fairytale and that's why we love her...we envy her, but we still love her'

    I  smiled as I handed it back to her. When they put it that way, my life seemed perfect. But truth was,it wasn't even close to perfect.

    "Mum took one look at the picture and it was enough for her to scream in joy" she explained, falling into the three sitter sofa.

    "I'm gonna ask you know" she said, her eyes watching me like a hawk.

    "You know, Garrett was here yesterday, and you're here today, is there something I need to know?" I asked, my brows arched.

   She shrugged "we're just curious as to what you want to do now that the balls in your court".

   I bit my bottom lip and thought for a while before I decided to tell her how I felt "Dawn was right" I started "when she said I did it in a fit of anger and when the anger finally died down, I regretted my decision" I sighed "cause the bottom line is I believe him but-" she cut me off immediately "why is there a but?".

   "I'm having doubts. I'm not sure if I want to dive back in with Derek when there are people at every corner wanting and waiting for every opportunity to destroy our relationship. We're expecting a baby Jade, I wouldn't want to raise my child in an environment like this" I said to her.

   "I don't agree with you" she shook her head softly "cause you were born in an environment like this one and you turned out right. Don't trade your happiness for shitheads like Tirana. You leave him and you punish him for a crime he didn't commit. You leave and you let her win" she concluded.

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