Chapter 13

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Derek's POV
I kissed her lips while I smiled through mine. When I pulled away, she opened her eyes and smiled at me "I'm not Aurora you know" she said groggily as she sat up "I don't need a prince to kiss me just so I can get out of bed". She yawned and stretched. She reminded me of a cat.

She looked at me awkwardly "why are you so happy". I sat next to her and kissed her cheek, producing a little yellow box from my pocket. "Happy ten months anniversary" I said. She gasped and froze "don't tell me that's today" she face palmed herself. "You forgot!" I stated,humor in my words. She shoved my chest "Its not funny Derek. Who forgets her own anniversary?" she asked no one in particular. "Aria Montgomery Martin...that's who" I teased her.

She cupped my face in her hand "I'm so sorry sweetie. I feel like crap" she said sadly "and I didn't get you anything". "There's nothing I want that my money can't buy. I don't want anything else. I've got you,and that's all that matters" I finished my speech then kisses her head.

She opened the box and found a key in it. She looked at me confused but I only shrugged and smiled. "What do you think it opens?" I asked with a smirk. "A safe,a car?" She said as she ran her fingers across the two R's, then she gasped in realization "you didn't Derek" she said. "Oh yes I did" I smiled back.

In one solid movement, she threw herself out of bed and ran out the door. I followed her out in simple struts while she dashed through the hallways and down the stairs. She swung the front door open and screamed,her hand covering her mouth.

There, in the middle of our driveway was as majestic as ever, a white Rolls Royce with a big red bow on its hood,a bouquet of red roses on the car and white petals scattered across the floor.

She jumped into my arms and hugged me "you're the best" she said happily then she pulled away "let's go for a test drive". "You just got out of bed, you're still in your pj's" I reminded her but she wouldn't listen. She discarded the bow, took the bouquet and pulled me into the car.

"I love it Derek" she kissed my lips "thank you".

We took a drive round the city. She smiled through out the entire time. This lady, this wife of mine, she never ceased to amaze me. She had me wrapped around her little finger and I didn't want that to change... Ever.

We came back home and took a shower and while I changed into my work clothes, she simply put on a yellow midi skirt and a black lace bandeau with a pair of blue red bottom heels. She reached out for her white Calvin Klein bag and shades.

"And where is she off to?" I asked curiously as I put on my cufflinks. "To see daddy" she said as she applied flaming red lipstick. "I should be the only man you call daddy" I growled as I heard the words leave her mouth.

"I'll call you daddy" she teased me. I grunted as my friend downstairs heard her the second time.
"Aria" I warned. If she turned me on, I swear I'd make her turn me off.
"Yes daddy" she said with a cocky smile. Before I had a chance to get ahold of her arm, she had dashed out of the room. I wondered how she managed to run in heels. I could hear her giggle as she went down the stairs. I looked down at the swollen bulge in my pants "great" I muttered "way to go Aria".

I made it to the office and Cyrus laughed the moment he saw me. "Don't you think its too early to be frowning?"

I grunted as I walked into my office, with him trailing behind me. "What's got you so worked up?" He asked, falling into the couch and propping his legs on the coffee table.

"Nothing" I grunted again. "Ah" he clicked his tongue "I know you dude,so is it work frustration?".

I sat behind my desk "more like sexual frustration" I finally said. He turned red with amusement but didn't dare laugh. "After you bought her a Rolls Royce" he tsked "that's Aria being Aria".

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