Chapter 7

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Derek's POV
I saw the passion in her eyes as she admired her work. Kelly hummed softly while Theo sat at the far end of the kitchen, taking a swig of his beer. "come help me honey" Kelly said sternly. "oh but you're doing perfectly " came his reply.

Aria looked from the cookie she had on her tray, to me "want one? ". I nodded as I moved closer to her.

We were currently in the kitchen, on a Saturday night, making cookies. "here you go" she held a chocolate chip cookie up to my mouth. I bit it and chewed. It was still hot from the oven. "so how is it? " she asked enthusiastically. I pulled her into my arms and tipped my forehead to touch hers "as sweet as its maker" I said. She turned red at once and turned away.

"this is what a gentleman should do" Kelly threw the hand muffin at her husband. "you want me to compete with that? " he pointed at us "they are so sweet, seeing them gives me a toothache. No can do dearie " he shook his head. "I hate you" Kelly screamed, storming off.

"go after her" Aria said,still in my arms. Theo stood up after much thought before he dragged his feet and followed his wife "women" he muttered under his breath.

I heard Aria giggle before she turned to me "let me go so I can clean myself up" she tried to wiggle from my grasp but I only held on tighter. "no can do Mrs Martin ". "cmon Derek " she pecked my lips "we'll have plenty of time later to make out like love sick high school sweethearts ". "I want now " I whispered in her ears "and I want more than a make out session ".

A gasp escaped her lips as she stared at me "you don't mean that". I trailed seductive kisses on her neck and down to her cleavage which was too exposed and dangerous for her own good. "I do" I bit her softly where it counted. She moaned softly and melted in my arms.

"this is wrong" she arched her body to me. "and why is that? " I asked, my kisses getting hotter.

"I... I.. Oh crap" she stopped talking when I licked her collar bone.

"you were saying something " I reminded her, as I pulled away from her. She eyed me and folded her arms "are you playing tricks with me Mr Martin? ".

"I don't know what you are talking about Mrs Martin " my lips formed into a smile.

She fisted a handful of flour and poured it at me, a trail of white dust everywhere. She giggled as she ran but I was faster than she was. I grabbed her through the cloud of flour and pulled her to me. "not so fast " I said.

She was surprised at my quick reflexes but that wasn't the issue at hand. She just ruined my outfit and hair and for that, she is going to pay.

I fisted myself twice the amount she poured on me and she threw her hands up in surrender "please don't ruin my hair. "

I laughed as I let it pour over her head before I smudged it all over her face. It was my turn to laugh as she frowned. She looked like a snowman.

She threw more flour at me and soon, it was a full on flour fight. By the time we had wasted all the flour, we looked like ghosts and the kitchen looked like it snowed inside. We both laughed at each other, and her eyes sparkled.

"you look beautiful mi amor " I said with a broad smile. She frowned at me. "you ruined my hair".

I pulled her close "well I like what I see"

A childlike grin spread across her wonderful features "surely you don't mean that "

I pulled out my phone, holding it with one hand as I cradled her in the other "say cookies " I whispered in her ear. She smiled happily at the camera.

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