chapter 3

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Dawn and Aria above

Aria's POV
I looked at him for just a second before our met. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand lovingly. We had been sitting like this for a while now, and in moments like these, I found peace.

"Does he treat you right? " my father finally asked. I used my free hand to bring my cup of coffee to my lips. "yes he does " I answered after a few long sips. "little A" he called for my attention "I know when you're lying ". I sighed. It was Impossible to lie to dad. "we don't see eye to eye" I finally admitted. He nodded and said "it is to be expected, but not for long. Wait till he gets to know you". I smiled at his reassuring words.

"Hey daddy" Dawn suddenly sprung on dad from behind. She draped her arms around his neck in a hug and kissed his cheek. "Dawn dear " he said as she walked over to face him "how have you been? ". She picked up a scone from the table and bit "I've been trying to stay awake these days". Dad smiled at both of us. "my little girls" he said "all grown up".

I felt warmth in this little circle. Dawn and I had become so close, we were practically sisters. She was like the sibling I never had and she was the brown haired daughter dad never had. I appreciated our relationship everyday. I, Dad and Dawn, our family.

My phone beeped, telling me I needed to be somewhere else. I stood, adjusting my blazer. "I need to go" I glanced at my wristwatch "I'm having lunch with Derek and his new business partner today". They both kissed me goodbye before I took my leave.

I drove to The Star restaurant over at Manhattan in my white Mercedes Benz convertible. When I got to the restaurant, I was ushered in,and all the way to the private area. Here, there were fewer tables and the sound of good music filled the air. I spotted the table and told the rather nice lady who showed me in that I was good.
I walked to the table solo, my red bottoms clanking against the marble floor. I saw him first, he was in a black blazer and black pants with a white shirt underneath. His hair as usual, was styled lazily but perfectly and when his blue eyes met me, I felt his cold stare.

As I approached his table, he stood, pulling me by the waist to meet him.
A man sat at the table, with blonde hair just the same shade as mine, green eyes and a beautiful smile. He was gorgeous, but we all knew who was the better looking man on the table.

"Ethan " Derek said casually, "meet my wife Aria Montgomery Martin " he turned to me "Aria, meet Ethan Holmes, my newest business associate ". I shook Ethan's hand "it's so nice to meet you". "you're Alan Montgomery's daughter and the woman to pinned this one down" he pointed to Derek "the pleasure is all mine". I smiled at him and turned to Derek "sorry I'm late,I was with Dad". He went to my ear and whispered "I don't care where you were, all I need you to do is play along. Sit,smile and look pretty , After all, that's the only thing you're good at". He pulled away from he and pecked my cheek. I felt my throat burn with pain 'sit, smile and look pretty, after all, that's all you're good at'. The words were like arrows, pointed at my heart.

When I could bear it no longer, I stood and picked up my purse "excuse me, but I have to go powder up my nose ". I felt Derek glare at me as I walked away. As soon as I stepped into the restroom, I broke down completely. Hot tears trailed down my face. No one had ever treated me as badly in my life as Derek. No ones words hurt like his. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, my cheeks were flushed and my nose was swollen.

Derek's POV
I got into my black Range Rover and turned on the engine. Lunch turned out to be actually great and Aria even behaved. She was almost non existent to me through out lunch as she sat quietly and ate. She was slowly fitting her job description, a trophy wife.

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