Chapter 35 - Graveyard

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Isabelle's POV
We landed hard on the ground.

"You guys alright?" Cedric asked us.
"Yeah. You?" asked Harry.
Cedric didn't answer but he stood up. "Where are we?"
"That's a good question. I thought we're supposed to be back at the stadium." I said.
Harry looked at the gravestone.
"I've been here before." he mumbled.
I just looked around as Cedric went to the cup.
"It's a portkey. Harry, Belle, the cup it's a portkey." he said.

"I've been here before, in a dream." said Harry.
I looked at him, confused.
He looked at the gravestone.
It was marked as Tom Riddle.

"Cedric! Belle! We have to get back to the cup. Now!" said Harry.
"What are you talking about?" asked Cedric.
I heard something creaked. I looked closer and it was man.

I heard Harry moaning in pain. I went up to him.
"Harry! What's wrong?!" I exclaimed.
"Get back to the cup!" he shouted in pain.
The man came closer and he was holding something.
Cedric pulled out his wand.
"Who are you? What do you want?" shouted Cedric.
"Kill the spare." it hissed.

Pettigrew pointed his wand at Cedric.

"CEDRIC!" Harry exclaimed.

"NO!" I exclaimed.

Cedric was killed by the killing curse. I was about to go to Cedric's lifeless body until, Pettigrew send me and spell, I sense that, and Ice form around me like a shield.

I glared at him. He send me another spell, I dodged it and hid behind the stone.

"Don't, you fool! Not yet." a voice said.

I panted as I glanced at Cedric...I couldn't save him.

"My wand, Wormtail." a voice said.
I took a peek and saw Wormtail gave him his wand.

"Hold out your arm." He said.
"Master. Thank you, master." Said Wormtail holding out the hand that was cut.

I just realized that the mad wearing all black...was Voldemort.
"The other arm, Wormtail." Voldemort sneered. He held out his hand and Voldemort grabbed it and summoned his death eaters.

"Welcome, my friends. 13 years it's been, and you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself...disappointed." he said. "Not one of you tried to find me!" He added. He went up to his death eaters and took off their masks. They fell in pain.

"Not even you...Lucius." He said and he pulled his mask. And Lucius was on his knees.

Lucius Malfoy?

"My Lord, had I detected any sign, a whisper of you whereabouts---" Voldemort cut him off.
"There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers." he says.

"I assure you, my Lord, I have never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence....that is my true mask." Said Lucius as he stood up.

"I returned." Wormtail butted in.
"Out of fear! Not loyalty." Said Voldemort as he came up to him.
"Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail." He added.
Voldemort remade his hand.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you!" Wormtail thanked him.

This is getting scarier and scarier. Voldemort turned to my way and I quickly hid.

Please don't let him see me. I thought.

"Tsk. Tsk. Such a handsome boy." Voldemort used his foot to move Cedric's face.

"Don't touch him!" Harry snapped.

I took another peek, seeing Voldemort looked at Harry.

"Harry. I almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father." He said.

All of a sudden, someone covered my mouth and pulled me out.
"Look what we have, Master."

Voldemort turned to me and grinned.
"Ah, what a beautiful lady. So much like your mother, Kelly." he said.

I tried to struggle, but the man held onto me too tight.
Voldemort then came up to me and suddenly he stroked my cheeks.
"You want to know why you're here, Belle?" he asked.

I just gave him a glare. I already knew.

He then walked up to me.

"Soft cheeks, like her mothers. But...where's the other twin?" he said.
"Leave my sister out of this, you snake!" I snapped.

But then, I got slapped. By him.
"I'll deal with you later." Voldemort said.

He then turned to Harry.

"How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago." He said. "Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son...she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him." He said.

"But it was old magic. Something I should have forseen. But no matter, no matter. But things changed."
He went up to Harry.
"I can touch you now!" Voldemort pressed his finger on his scar. Harry was in pain.

"HARRY!!!" I shouted and tried struggling again.

"Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do." He said.
"Pick your wand, Potter." He added.

Harry got up as I was pushed into the ground.
Voldemort circled around me as he grinned.

"The reason why you're here, Belle---" I cut him off.
"Just because you want our power, doesn't mean you're going get it like this." I sneered.

He chuckled evilly. "Like I would get your power, Belle. You're my first target. And's your sister, Erika, who controls the element of fire, while you control the element of ice. If I have those two elements....I will be more powerful than your selfish little Clan."

I glared at him even more. Then turned to Harry, who was standing.
"Now, where are we, Potter? Oh yes! We were about to battle. First we bow to each other." Voldemort bowed his head, but Harry didn't.

"Come on bow. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, would he? I said, bow!" Voldemort forced Harry to bow.

Voldemort went up to him and threw him in the ground. He used to Cruiatus Curse on him.

"Expelliarmus!" Shouted Harry.

But Voldemort blocked it.

"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. After tonight, no one will ever again question my power. After tonight, I'll have the Lee Twin's powers. And things will change."

Voldemort forced Harry to get up. Once Voldemort turned around, Harry ran behind the rock.
"Don't you dare hide from me, Potter! If you don't come out, or your precious friend will die!" He threatened.

"Stay there, Harry!" I shouted.
"CRUCIO!!!" Voldemort send me a spell.

I felt like knives stabbing me, repeatedly.

Harry's POV
I heard Belle screaming. This really stabbed my heart.
I can't let Belle get hurt...

So I came out from behind, with my wand in hand.
I saw Belle, lying there in a pool of blood. She looks weak and she glanced at me giving me and concerned look.

"No." she mumbled.

I glared at Voldemort as he chuckled evilly.
"Have it your way." I said.

3rd Person's POV
The two wands connected. Belle carefully crawled to Cedric's lifeless body. She cried.
She blamed herself for this, she lost a friend. Even though they're not close.

Harry struggled with Voldemort's spell. As the two wands connected, four transparent ghost came out.
Two of them....stood beside Harry.

"Harry! I want you to concentrate. We only can hold him for a little bit, do you understand?" James said.

Harry nodded.

"Harry, take my body to my father." Said Cedric. Harry nodded again. Cedric looked at Belle and smiled.
"Thanks Belle. Thanks for being a best friend." he said.

Belle let out a tear.

"And...I love you." Cedric said. Belle remained speechless at that.

Then a beautiful women, who stood near Belle. She smiled and bend down to her.
Belle was confused at first...but then she realized....


Kelly smiled at her daughter and nodded.

Harry couldn't hold much longer.
"Let go." Lily said.

Harry looked at his beloved mother.
"Sweetheart, you're ready."

"Be strong, Belle. Okay, you and Erika need to be strong." Kelly said.
Belle nodded. She felt so weak. With that, Belle blacked out, lying her head on Cedric's lifeless body.

"Let go! Let go!"

Harry let go and those five people that Voldemort murdered, made a mist. A chance to let Harry and Belle to escape. He noticed Belle lying there, not breathing.

He kneeled down and grabbed them.


Once the mist is all cleared....

Voldemort looked around and he couldn't find Potter.
Realizing that he escaped.


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