Chapter 23 - Plan A....FAILED!!

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Erika's POV
This morning, I went to the Owlry to visit my owl and Belle's owl, Jasper.

Haven't seem them forever...I think.
As I got up there, two owls noticed me.

They squealed, probably excited to see me.
I giggled and walked up to them.

"Miss me?" I asked them as I pet them.
My owl tilt her head, saying that I found her favorite spot to pet.

I smiled at that. I feed them a little treat.
"I'll see you two later, okay. Maybe I'll bring Belle along next time." I said.

They both squawked.

I giggled at them again.
I was about to leave the Owlry until I almost bumped intro Harry.

"Whoa!" I said.

"Erika!" He called.

We tried to go side by side, but we kept on blocking each other.

But I grabbed Harry's arms and turned us around. Making a little easier.

"Watch your steps on the stairs, it's a bit icy on the top." I said.

"Okay, thanks." Harry said.
"See ya in the common room." I said.

Harry nodded.

I smiled at him and was about to leave again....until...

"Erika!" I heard him.

"Yes?" I asked.
"I...Iwaswonderingifyouliketogototheballwithme?" Harry replied, but I couldn't catch that.
"Sorry, I didn't catch that." I said.

Harry took a deep breath.
"I was wondering...if to go the ball with me." he said.


My heart was beating fast, but I already had date for the ball.
I wish I can go back in time and fix everything.

"Harry, I'm sorry. But someone already asked me. And I said....I'd go with him." I said, sadly.

Harry pulled a fake smile on me, which I can really tell.
"Great! Cool...Fine." he said.

Then he walked into the Owlry.
"Harry!" I called him back.

And what's cute about it, he came back quickly.
"I'm really am...sorry." I said.

Harry nodded. "It's all right. There's always next time."

I nodded and he went back to the Owlry.
I felt bad for myself. Like really bad. I thought.

~Later That Day~
"Ready Hermione and Ginny?" I asked.
"Ready." Hermione replied.
"So....what are we actually doing?" Ginny asked.

I giggled.
"I'm trying to get Cedric and Belle together."
"What? Cedric and Belle?" Ginny asked.

I nodded.
"They seem so cute together." I replied.

"Um...Erika. I always thought Belle and Malfoy look good together." Hermione said.
"What?! My sister and Malfoy? I don't think so." I said.
"Look at his way, Malfoy has been staring at Belle at all times. Even in class." she said.

"Well, let's just try. Maybe Belle have different feelings towards Cedric. And with Malfoy, no way. She hates him and I know it." I said.
Hermione sighed at that.

"Oh look guys." Ginny said.
Hermione and I peeked around the corridor. Us three saw Belle and Cedric talking.

"This is it." I squealed quietly.
Isabelle's POV
Cedric and I were talking in the corridor by ourselves.
" got rejected by a Beauxbaton girl name Kara Jackson?" I asked.
He nodded.

"Um...why not Cho? No one has asked her yet." I suggested.
"Actually, I was about to ask you." he said.


"Will you?" he asked.

I cleared my throat and looked at him.
"Didn't Professor McGongall said anything about dating other contestents?" I asked.

Cedric frowned at that.

"I think so. I can't believe that I forgot about it." he said.
"Sorry, Cedric. Next Time, okay." I said.

He nodded with a smile on his face.
"Now, get your butt out there and ask Cho." I said.

He chuckled and brought me into a hug.
"Thanks, Belle." he said.

We pulled back and he walked away looking for Cho.

Then I heard voices...
Erika's POV
"What are they saying?" Hermione whispered.
"I don't know. I don't read lips." I said.

"What are you three doing?" 

Ginny, Hermione and I were stiff as a stick.
We turned around and saw Belle, crossing her arms.

"Hehehe....Belle. Don't take this wrong." Hermione said.

Belle still stood there, with her arms crossed and then glared.

"It was Erika's idea." Hermione and Ginny pointed at me.

Thanks a lot. I thought.

"I know what she's planning anyway." Belle said.


"She's been trying to get Cedric to be my date at the Yule Ball." Belle said.

"H-How did you know?' I stuttered.
"By this." Belle handed me my list.

My eyes widen at that.

"Hehehe...." I laughed nervously.
Belle laughed along with me.

"Very funny, Unnie. You and your silliness." Belle said.

I blushed at that.

"Come on, let's go and eat. I'm hungry." Belle said.
"Okay, let's go."

Looks like Plan A FAILED!

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