Chapter 42 - All Cleared!

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Erika's POV
I woke up early in the morning, because today is Harry's hearing. I really got worried when he told us last night.

Aish, jinja?!

I got dressed up and went downstairs, to see Harry. Sitting on the couch.

"Morning, Harry." I greeted him.
He jerked up and turned around.

He's gotten really handsome over the summer. I thought.

"" he trailed off and I noticed he got shy. It's cute.

"Hi." he said.

I giggled and realized that he was in a suit.

"It's today, isn't it?" I asked.
He looked down and nodded.

I sighed softly and went up to him. Then I noticed his collar was a little cricket.

"Um...Harry. Your's not folded right." I said.
"Huh?" He looked at it, but couldn't see it.

I giggled.

"Here. Let me help." I said.

I walked up to him and started to fix his collar. Noticing that, he's been staring at me, while I fix his collar.
He sort of lean closer to me, but then...I pulled away.

"Umm....uh...sorry." I uttered.
"It's okay. I shouldn't have done that." he said.

I slightly chuckled at that.
"Harry, time to go." said Mr. Weasley.

Harry sighed and nodded.

"Good luck, Harry." I said.
"Thanks." he said.

"Anyway..." I trailed off.

"What?" he asked.

I smiled and kissed Harry on the cheek.

That was a sudden. I thought.

"For good luck." I replied.

Harry grinned.
"Thanks, I need that."

I giggled at him.

"Let's go, Harry. We don't have much time." Mr. Weasley said.
Harry nodded and left with Mr. Weasley.

I just hope he wins this.

Isabelle's POV
Just playing my guitar in a room. I just felt like being alone.
Just strumming around and nothing is coming into my mind.

No song. No rhythm. And no lyrics coming in.

Aish, jinja?!

"Nothing coming up into my mind. No new lyrics ad no rhythm. Aish!" I growled as I scratched my head.

So frustrated! I thought.

"How come I have lots of lyrics and new songs in my mind when I'm with Malf---wait...what am I saying?" I mumbled.

Then all of a sudden, I just glanced at my wand. I slowly put my guitar down and slowly walked up to the night stand.

I slowly reached towards it, but as I touched it....pain started run through my body.
I flinched back and panted.

I'm not going to get through this. I thought, sadly.


Ginny came in.

"Yeah?" I asked.
"I was walking by and heard you playing guitar for a bit." she replied.

I nodded.

"Then why did you stopped?" she asked.
I sighed and turned to her.

"I....I ran out of ideas." I replied.
"Why's that?" she asked again.

"I don't know." I replied, sighing.

Ginny smiled a bit and patted on my shoulder. For comfort.

"Belle! Ginny! Harry's back!" we heard Hermione.
"Let's go." Ginny said.

I nodded and we walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Seeing Harry looking down on the ground.

I saw Erika's face. And I can tell that she's worried.
"Well, what happened?" Erika asked.

"Well...." Harry trailed off.
I walked down the stairs and stood by Erika.

"Well?" we all asked him.

Harry suddenly grinned and smiled.

"I won! The charges are all cleared!" he said.

We were all happy that the charges are all cleared up.
"Oh Harry! Why you!!" Erika jumped into Harry's arms and they both spun around.

I kind of smiled at them.

Wonder if that's going to happen to me...someday soon. I thought.

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