Chapter 36 - He's back

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3rd Person's POV
Students in the crowd cheered. Harry was crying out loud. And Erika had a feeling, so she walked down the stairs and looked.

"Harry! What happened?" Dumbledore asked, while noticing Cedric and Belle.

"H's back! He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he told me to being his body here. And Belle....she was tortured....and b-blacked out. I couldn't leave them, not there." Harry cried.

"'s going to be alright. You three are home." Dumbledore said.

Erika came through and saw her sister on the ground. Seeing the blood on her outfit.

She kneeled down and brought Belle close to her.
"Belle...please open your eyes." Erika cried quietly.

"We must move the body, Dumbledore." Fudge whispered.

"Let me through!" Mr. Diggory exclaimed.
Mad he got through the crowd...he saw Cedric, dead.

"My son!!! That's my boy!" He cried.
Jimmy and EXO ran through the crowd and saw Erika holding Belle.

"Belle!" They called her.
Erika kept on crying.

"Wake up, Belle." Erika cried.
Belle's not opening her eyes.

Draco wants to go down there to see her, but he doesn't want anything to be awkward between them.

"Take Belle to the hospital wing." Jimmy suggested.
Kai scooped up Belle, bridal style.

"Come on, let's go." he said.
Harry's POV
Professor Moody took me to his office and he let me sit down.
"Are you alright, Potter?" he asked.

I just nodded.
He looked at my wrist.
"Does it hurt? That?" he asked again.
"Not so much now." I replied.
"Perhaps I'd better take a look at it." he said.

He looked at my wrist again and touched it.
"The cup was a portkey. Someone had bewitched it." I said.
"What was it like?" he asked.

I looked at him confused.

"What was he like?" he asked again.
"Who?" I asked.
"The Dark Lord." he said as he pressed my wrist.

I groaned in pain.

He stood up and walked away.

"What was it like to stand in his presence?" he asked.
"I don't know. I was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams...into one of my nightmares." I said.
I noticed that Moody was walking around looking for something. He went to his other room and he couldn't find anything.

"Were there others? In the graveyard, were there others?" he asked.
"I...I don't think I said anything about a graveyard, professor." I said. I really didn't, but how did he know.

"Marvelous creatures, dragons, aren't they?" he said.
I stood there silent.

"Did you think that miserable oaf would've led you into the woods...if I hadn't suggested it?" he said.

This is getting scarier and scarier.

"Do you think Cedric Diggory would've told you to open the egg underwater...if I hadn't told him first myself?" he asked.

Is he mad? I thought.

"Do you think Neville Longbottom, the littless wonder...could've provided you with gillyweed if I hadn't given him the book...that led him straight to it?" he said with anger.

I looked at him and he pointed his finger at his head, and licked his lips like a snake.
This whole thing that he's saying. After all this time.

"It was you from the beginning. You put mine and Belle's names in the Goblet of Fire. You bewitched Krum, but you--" I was cut off.

"But--But--" Moody mocked me.
"You and Miss Lee won because I made it so, Potter." he said.
"Both of you ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so." he added.
"And you know why Miss Isabelle Lee was there with you tonight. The Dark Lord wants her power, to control everything in the world! And I thought of putting Miss Erika's name as well, but her fire powers are powerful than I thought! So...the youngest twin gets it! And you know the deed is done." he said.

He grabbed my wrist and starts to press it hard.

I winced in pain.

"The blood that runs through these veins runs within the Dark Lord." he said and walked away.

I stood up and went to the corner. I can see that his face is changing.

"Imagine how he will reward me when he learns...that I have once and for all...silenced the great Harry Potter. And the Lee Twins will be next."

He raised his wand until....

"EXPELLIARMUS!" It was Dumbledore. It hit Moody.

Professor Snape gave him a potion that tells you the truth. Yep, it's Veritaserum.

"Do you know who I am?" asked Dumbledore.
"Albus Dumbledore." said Moody.
"Are you Alastor Moody? Are you?" Dumbledore asked him again.
"No." he said.
"Is he in this room?" Dumbledore asked.

Moody didn't answer.
"Is he in this room?!" Dumbledore asked again, with anger.
He looked at the chest.
"Harry, away from there!" said Dumbledore. McGongagall pulled me out of the way.

Snape opened the chest. We looked down.

It showed the real Alastor Moody.

"You alright, Alastor?" asked Dumbledore.
"I'm sorry, Albus." he replied.

"That's Moody. But then who's---?" I said.

Snape smelled the flask.
"Polyjuice Potion." he said.
"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus." said Dumbledore. He looked down at the chest again.
"We'll get you up in a minute." he added. The real Moody groaned.

We all turned around and the fake Moody transformed back.
It was Barty Crouch Jr. The man from my dreams.

"Barty Crouch Junior." said Dumbledore.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." he said. He pulled up his sleeves and it showed the Dark Mark.
"Your arm, Harry." Dumbledore grabbed my arm.
"You know what this means, don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned." he said.
"I'm sorry, sir. I couldn't help it." I said.
"Send an owl to Azkaban. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner." said Dumbledore.
"I'll be welcomed back like a hero." said Barty Jr.
"Perhaps. Personally, I've never had much time for heroes." Dumbledore said.
Dumbledore dragged me out of the room.
Erika's POV
We're at the hospital wing, trying to wake up Belle.

"Yah! Belle, wake up! You can't leave us like this." Chanyeol said.

I started to shook her shoulders.
"Belle, wake up. This isn't a game." I said.

Belle's eyes stayed shut.

"Didn't Harry said Belle was being tortured?" Ron asked.

Hermione gasped quietly.

"The Cruciatus Curse."

My eyes widen at that. You can go crazy after the curse.
"No." I mumbled.

Suddenly, Malfoy walked in.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Fred and George sneered.
"I just came to see---" Ron cut him off.

"Why? So that you can do something bad to Belle? That's not going to happen." he said.
"I just---" Draco started, until....

"Yah!!! Shut up!" I cried.
Everyone stopped chattering.

And the doors opened again, revealing Harry and Dumbledore.
"Is Miss Lee awake yet, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked Madam Pomfrey.
"Not yet. It's been half an hour." she replied.

Dad stood there quietly with EXO.
"Hyung, should we do something?" Suho asked.

Dad sighed and sat next to me. And then, he brought me into his embrace.
"We wait." he replied.

Dumbledore sighed and told Madam Pomfrey heal Harry. decided to help as well.
Then suddenly...I noticed Belle's finger started to twitch.

"Appa, look." I said.

We all looked closely at Belle. Hoping to wake up.
Her eyes fluttered and opened.

She groaned at first and we were relieved.
"Belle!" We called her.

She turned to us and smiled.
"Hey." she mumbled.

I was so relieved. So I pulled Belle into a hug.
Belle hugged me back gently.

I pulled away again and smack her on the head.

"OW! YAH!" she snapped.
"Erika!" EXO snapped as well.

"Yah! What was that for?" Belle asked.
"Pabo! You---You scared me to DEATH!!!" I replied.

Belle gulped and looked down on the sheets.
Then I turned to Harry.

"And you!!!"

Harry eye's widen at that as I pointed at him.
He gulped as I got closer to him.

"Just hit me on the head. Like you did to Belle." he said.
But instead of that....I hugged him.


"I get a smack in the head, while Harry gets a hug?" I heard Belle mumbled.

I just hugged Harry and held him tight.
"Erika...." he trailed off.

"Don't scare me like that...You and Belle. I really thought I lost the both of you. I got worried." I said.

Harry let out a chuckle and hugged me back.
"Sorry." he said.
3rd person's POV
Everyone was relieved that Belle woke up. Even Draco.
So for him...he quietly walked away from the Hospital Wing. Without anybody else noticing, expect for one.

As Draco was about to enter the Slytherin Portrait....

"Hey, Malfoy!"

He turned around and saw a boy, who's a little older than him.
"Who are you?" Malfoy asked.

He smirked at that and then leaned onto a wall.
"The one who argued with you last year." he replied.

Draco thought for a bit and then...
"Kai?" he asked.

Kai grinned.

"Finally, took you awhile." he said.
"What are you doing here?" Draco asked.

Kai crossed his arms. "I want to ask you something, if you don't mind?"
Draco nod his head, slowly.

"Are you starting to like Belle?" Kai asked.
Draco's heart beat started to beat faster and faster.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco said.
Kai smirked.

"Then why you're blushing?" he asked.
Draco looked away.

"Look, I was just asking. I must take my leave then. Before Salazar Slytherin might kill me." Kai said.

Draco didn't respond. Kai walked away from and rejoined his group.

"Belle, don't scare like me that ever again, araji?" Erika said.
"Sorry, Unnie." Belle said.

Jimmy chuckled at his twin daughters and hugged them.
"So happy that I have you two." he said.

Erika and Belle giggled and hugged their Dad.
"Hey, can we join?"

They pulled back and noticed EXO was standing there, grinning.
"Sure boys." Jimmy stepped away as they charged at Belle and Erika.

"Yah! You're all squishing me." Belle groaned.
"So what! You deserve lots of hugs." Baekhyun said.
"Even little Erika." Sehun said.

"Hey! I'm not little." Erika pouted.
EXO chuckled and continued to hug the twins.

What a happy moment, huh?

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