Chapter 97 - Weasley Fight

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They went back to the Common Room and they're still curious about what happen earlier.

"I wonder who would do such a thing like that?" Hermione asked.
"Well, it might be---" Harry got cut off.

"You think it might be Malfoy." Erika cut him off.
Harry nodded.

"It all makes sense. He's been going to the 7th corridor almost every night. And his name disappears on the map." Harry added.
"You've been stalking him?" Belle suddenly asked.
"I wasn't just stalking him, I was curious." Harry replied.
" can you be so sure, Harry?" Hermione asked.
"What do you think, Hermione? He was there when we were in the Three Broomsticks." Harry replied.
"Well, he wasn't there when Katie was cursed." Erika said.

Harry sighed at that.
"Harry, even though you think it's Malfoy...we still don't have prove." Lukas said.
"But...I'm sure it's him." Harry said.

Belle sighed.
"Can we stop talking about this?" she asked.

That's when Ginny came in.
"Hey Ginny." Erika greeted her.

Ginny and Lukas sort of made eye contact, until Ginny was about to walk upstairs.
"Did you have fun with that git?" Ron sneered.

Ginny stopped and turned to him.
"What?" she asked.
"I saw you two at the Three Broomstick this afternoon. Snogging him right in public." Ron sneered.
"So what." Ginny said.

"So what?! I don't like you being with him at all!" Ron said.
"It's my choice! He asked me out and I said yes." Ginny said.
"Well, I object that!" Ron snapped.

Belle stood up between the two.
"Guys stop." she said.
"What else you two having been doing, huh? Every time you two come in, always giggling. But sometimes you come here alone with red eyes! You call that something else?!" Ron snapped again.

"It's none of your business, Ronald!" Ginny exclaimed.
"Oh, it's my business all right." Ron said.

Ginny started to get mad at Ron, for acting do protective around her.
"At least I have a nice boyfriend, like Dean. What about you, Ronald?! Hermione kissed Viktor! Harry kissed Cho! You even have not kissed anyone yet!" Ginny snapped.

This time, Erika stepped in.
"Please stop it, you two."

"Don't compare them. They're not involved in this." Ron said.
"I SAID STOP IT!!!!" Belle shouted.

Making Ron and Ginny stop. They both left to their rooms, leaving the others in the common room.
Lukas's POV
I was sitting on my bed, reading a book. Just to kill the time.

"Lukas, what do you suppose Dean sees in her? Ginny?" Ron asked.
"Well, what does she see in him?" I asked him.
"Dean? He's brilliant." Replied Ron.

"Didn't Harry and I hear you call him a slick git not five hours ago?" I asked.
"Yeah, well, he was running his hands all over my sister, wasn't he? Something snaps, and you're gotta hate him, you know? On principle." Ron replied.

"I suppose." I said.
"So, what is it he sees in her?" Ron asked.
"How should I know? I'm not Dean." I said.

"She's smart, funny....attractive." I added.
"Attractive?" Ron asked.

Uh oh. Ron's going to think that I like Ginny. Of course I like Ginny.

"You know, she's got" I said.
"Skin? So, you're saying Dean dates my sister because of her skin?" Ron asked me.
"Well, no, I mean, I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor." I said.

"Hermione's got nice skin." Said Ron.
I smiled evilly.

So he does like Hermione. I thought.

"Wouldn't you say? As skin goes, I mean." He said.
"I've never thought about it. But, I suppose, yeah. Very nice." I said.

Harry walked in, looking at us.
"You guys aren't asleep yet?" he asked.
"Nope. Harry, can I ask you something?" Ron asked, sitting up.

"Sure." Harry replied as he sat on his bed.
"What do you see in Erika?" Ron asked.

"Um...." Harry trailed off.

I just had to smirk.
"Why ask me that suddenly?" Harry asked.
"Well, Lukas and I are thinking that Dean dates my sister because she has nice skin." Ron replied.

"You're actually putting me into this?" I mumbled.
"Um....what I-I see in Erika...well...she's kind...caring...beautiful...and...she's very supportive." Harry uttered.

You can tell he's blushing.

"Ah. I see, you know. I sometimes that you're fond of Ginny, Harry." Ron said.
"What? Ginny is a nice girl, but I only like her as a friend." Harry said.

Thank god. I thought.

"What about you, Lukas? Who do you like?" Ron asked.

I gulped. But instead of answering, I shut my book and went into my blanket.
"Night guys."

"Hey, you didn't answer my question." I heard Ron.
"Come on, Ron. Leave him alone. He's having a rough day today." Harry defended me.

Thanks Harry. I thought.
Draco was in the Room Of Requirement, mumbling a spell.
As he opened the cabinet, a green apple was bitten.

It's almost finished. he thought.

He closed the cabinet and sighed.

This is the only way to save her. he thought again.

Draco pulled out a crystal flower from his pocket. He stared at it, admiring the beauty of it.

I....I can't let her get hurt.

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