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Edited (slightly) and reposted... Sorry if you've already read it ❤️

You woke up in yours and Jungkook's quiet room.

You somehow managed to pull all your strength together and force yourself out of the thick blankets that protected you for the outside world.

As you stumbled out of bed, you noticed a crumpled piece of paper stuck on Jungkook's closet door.

Dragging yourself over too it, you read it:

'Morning dongsaeng, we're all in the studio if you need us ;)


You sighed and, for no reason whatsoever, opened Jungkook's closet.

It was filed with mainly t-shirts and the occasional suit or jacket.

Then an idea popped into your head:

You should dress up as one of your brothers.

You scanned your shared room and saw Yoongi's cap you stole from him the other day.

"I'll be Yoongi-oppa." You smirked.

You re-opened Jungkook's closet and took out a black T-shirt.

From your own draw you took some over-sized grey trackies and slipped on some black trainers to match your brothers shirt.

Finally, you dropped Yoongi's white cap that had 'LA' written in bold, blue letters onto your neatly combed locks that lay on your shoulders.

Walking over to your mirror you examined your look.

The T-shirt was draped over your upper body and fell down to your thighs, whilst your grey tracksuit bottoms gave of a 'slouchy' effect. You turned the cap sideways and giggled at your final appearance.

"I am no longer Jeon (Y/N), but now Min... Yoonah..?" You laughed to yourself.

You were now a feminine Yoongi.


After running across multiple roads and trying to avoid the rain you found yourself in the entrance of the studio.

You used Jin's identity to get through since you weren't obliged to, then bounded to their practise room.

You finally found it and burst through the door, your head hung low, hair covering your face.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Hoseok's sweet voice inbetween his panting.

"I'm not (Y/N)." You mumbled. Trying to hide your laughter.

"Uh, then who are you?" Jimin cut in.

You sighed, wondering how Yoongi would act.

"You should mind your own business Jimin." You growled, you hair covering your smile.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"She looks like you, hyung." Namjoon elbowed Yoongi, earning a glare from him.

"That's right," you declared, your brothers looking at you in confusion. "I am Min Yoonah."

Jungkook and Namjoon choked on the air and burst out laughing.

"I don't look like that!" Yoongi whined.

"Oh, but Hyung you do!" Jungkook sniggered as he grabbed on to Tae in attempt to stop himself falling over from laughter.

Yoongi stomped over to you. You giggled and copied his action, meeting him halfway.

"I'm the real Min Yoo- is that my cap?!" Yoongi asked as your eyes widened. "...possibly..."

He reached for the hat but you bolted away from his touch, causing him to chase after you.

You screamed slightly when you saw him chasing you, but nonetheless smirked.

"Min Yoonah! Give me my cap!" Yoongi screamed at you.

You recoiled behind Jungkook as your fingers dug into his hips so you could use his body as a human shield.

Yoongi ran at you and you shifted Jungkook in front of you.

Jungkook giggled childishly along with you as Yoongi tried to get passed him.

"...wait...? Jungkook, that little pest is wearing your shirt." Yoongi smiled evilly, locking eyes with you.

Jungkook turned around and glared at you fiercely.

"'re on my side remember." You whispered, primary for your own reassurance.

"Not anymore." Jungkook grinned.

He then abruptly reached out to you. You swiftly dodged him and squealed as you ran out of the room, Yoongi and Jungkook both hot on your tail.

"Leave me alone!" You cried, laughing at the same time.

"Never." They both said in union.

You knew you shouldn't, but if you slowed down they would bang into you, so you ran outside.


That evening you were plopped on the couch, watching your brothers on TV in their current interview.

"Hello! We're BTS!" They explained together.

You smiled, 'I know who you are stupids.' You thought.

While they were out you checked the news about them and gasped at what you saw.

'BTS' vocalist Jungkook and rapper Suga chase young girl down streets of Seoul'

You rested your head in your hands and sighed.

Then, without thinking, forwarded the article to the group chat you had with your brothers.

You then gasped once again, remembering they were in an interview.

"I'M SO SORRY!" You yelled at the TV.

You watched helplessly and guiltily as your brothers' faces went bright red due to all there phones going off during their interview.

I'm so gonna die when they get back...

I'm so gonna die when they get back

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Like what if this happened, I-

Btw... I need ideasssss so if you guys have anything, even an idea feel free to dm me! If you don't want me to, I won't even say it was a request; just let me know ❤️💓😉

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