Ice cream

258 11 2

Y/N = 15y/o

"Yah give it back-" You were interrupted by a freezing-cold moisture against your lips and nose.

"You did not.." You stared at Jungkook in pure shock whilst he took your own ice cream from your face.

"I mean.. I was the one to buy it for you." He smirked playfully at you.

You let your jaw drop before you bit your lip and smirked back.

You snatched your ice cream from his hand and slammed it into his face, causing him to stumble back.

"Yah!" He exclaimed in slight panic. As he reached to wipe it away and clear his vision, you grabbed his shirt and used it to wipe your face.

Jungkook immediately pushed you off and straightened his shirt, flushing pink from his revealed skin... and now cold top.

He marched up to you and tried to grasp the cone, only for you to slash his hair with it.

He froze.

He gently brought his hand to his cookie-dough coloured hair.

"Oh you're in for it now."

At his mark you let out a squeak and darted in the opposite direction. Your ice cream accidentally slipped from your hold, but you couldn't retreat now.

You couldn't wipe the goofy grin of your face as you bounded through the aisles with an ice-cream-smothered face.

"Mian! (Sorry!)" You turned your head slightly back to apologise for knocking against a woman's shoulder. She chuckled at you and bowed slightly. Whilst looking back, you noticed Jungkook only a few paces away with the same grin plastered across his face. You turned back aro-


Everything was a blur for a minute.

You couldn't really see anything. A figure approached you, seeming to adjust to your level.

Then sound began flowing through you again as your vision cleared up.

You were on the floor, on your knees surrounded by 5 or 6 strangers.

"Did she just run into that pillar?"

"Is she okay?"

"What happened?"

"Does she have parents with her?"

"Excuse me." You turned and looked behind all the faces to see one in particular.

"Yah Y/N-" Your eyes met with Jungkook's and you jerked up.

The small crowd was left dumbfounded as you fled away with a smile, Jungkook giddily chasing after you.

You, yourself, were shocked at your speedy recovery - but you couldn't stop to ponder with Jungkook literally a few metres from you.

"S-stop! I'm tired!" You yelled back at him whilst zooming through the games aisle.

"I've stopped." He told you.

You sighed in relief and halted. After a moment of catching your breath, though, you let out a scream.

"Jungkook!" You called out as you were tackled down to the floor.

You were about to call again before you realised, it was Jungkook.

"Yah! Get off you annoying-" Jungkook poked your side, causing you to shriek with laughter. He sat on you to restrict you from escaping

When Jungkook got off you, you were left panting and rolling around awkwardly on the floor. "I hate you." You mumbled whilst mustering the strength to rise.

When you did manage to stagger to your feet, you immediately collided with a firmly stood body.

"What is your issue?" You chuckled as you hit Jungkook's chest.

You looked up at him, but it wasn't Jungkook.

You immediately flushed red, your eyes meeting that of a well-built, tall security officer that resembled Jungkook in no way.

A gentle hand pulled you back and you tuned round to see Jungkook. His lips were pressed into a thin line and you knew immediately he was trying to suppress a laugh.

"Excuse me, due to your attitude and disturbance to fellow customers you will be dismissed from this supermarket." The man proclaimed in a gruff, menacing voice.

You and Jungkook sort of just stared at him. You wanted to burst out laughing for no apparent reason, but you held it in.

"Immediately." The man added. His eyes trailed over the patches of ice-cream splashed over both you and your brother.

You turned to Jungkook again, motioning for him to do something but he just looked blankly.

Finally, your mind could suddenly comprehend what was going on as the built-up man forced you along. You tripped on your laces but regained balance.

The man pushed Jungkook by his back too, causing him to glare at the man just as he was walking off. Probably to clear up the mess you'd unknowingly made.

"Take your pretty little girl and get out of here!" He responded to Jungkook's looks.

Jungkook muttered something before turning back to you. He pushed your shoulder as he walked past you, smirking slightly.

"That was your fault." You exclaimed to each other in union.

"It was not!"

"Was too! He pushed you first!"

"Because I was standing in front!"


"You should've pushed him back for pushing your sister. That's bad brother-ing."

"It's not like I care."

You kicked Jungkook's knee cap and he immediately yelped.

"...Can we get more ice cream?"


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