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I'd say that this is over-dramatic, but all my stories are 😂🙈💛

Namjoon held your shaky hand as you and Bangtan whimpered at the sight before you. Tears threatened your eyes as you watched the flames dance possessively over the dorm.

"Your rooms have been booked at [hotel], the same sleeping arrangements will be necessary." Someone called out to Namjoon, he nodded his head sorrowfully.

Then you remembered about your new rabbit that you got, that was kept in a hutch in the spare room. She meant everything to you at that second.

It was as if your fear disintegrated as you fled from Namjoon's comfort, charging into the blazing fire.

You made it just through the door frame when you heard rumbling above you.

You looked up as a plank of wood fell down.

A strong arm grabbed you and pulled you into their chest, away from the vibrant flames.

"Hey! No! Yoongi I need to get Tokki!" You cried whilst trying to break his grip on you.

"What are you thinking! You'll die if you go in the fire, (Y/N) you're only 11!" Yoongi yelled as he only tightened his grip.

"Oppa I need to get Tokki!" You wailed, dread slowly eating at you - not being able to save your beloved animal.

You hit Yoongi's arms a few times but it made no difference. "Cut it out (Y/N)! I'm not gonna let you back in there!" He told you.

Then you recoiled into Yoongi as the back half of the dorm collapsed. A tear slipped down your ash-covered face.

That was where your companion was.

Yoongi's grip tightened on your shoulders pulling you back from the wreck, only for you to turn and face him.

He sighed as you hid your face in his chest, it becoming wet due to your tears.

"...she's gone Yoongi... I can't even keep a pet for a month, you were right. I should've listened to you..." You wept clutching on to him like you'd lose him too.

Yoongi's eyes filled with guilt as he recalled what he told you when you wanted a pet. "I-I didn't mean that (Y/N)."

"But you were still right." You counted, feeling Yoongi's arms tighten around you.

You hugged for a minute before he pulled away.

He held your shoulders and looked you in the eyes.

"(Y/N), I watched how you played with your Tokki, held her and fed her. You were so gentle and loving with every move. I'm pretty sure she had the best one month any animal could ever ask for! And I know they can't speak but that's besides the point. I'm sure she's besties with the angels in heaven now, okay?"

All you could do was simply nod your head before following your brother to the car.


When you arrived at the hotel, Yoongi took your hand and guided you to your room whist trying to hide you from any fans, even though he should be the one hiding.

"Jungkook will hug you now, okay dongsaeng?" He stated, handing you to Jungkook who was standing with the keycard to your room.

Jungkook saluted and Yoongi simply grunted. "Don't annoy her again kook, I'm warning you."

Jungkook scoffed before dragging you inside. "So what's the gossip, huh?"

You just stared into his nurturing eyes, the past events brutally shooting through your head.

Jungkook remained seated opposite you on the double bed, happy to listen if it improved your well-being.

You sighed and spontaneously let yourself fall into Jungkook's lap.

He caught you and gently pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back.

"She's gone oppa... Tokki's gone." You said under your breath. Jungkook tightened the hug and rested his head on top of yours.

"Well this bunny is staying with you."


Meanwhile Yoongi, who had a real soft spot for you, had been worrying about you all night. The way you tried to jump in the fire, or perhaps the way you pleaded if him to let you run into it made him worry. He felt guilty for not giving you what you wanted, but no matter how hard you tried - he still wasn't going to let you get hurt.

He jerked away from his bed; swiftly grabbing a pillow and carefully avoiding the sleeping Jin.

His baggy pyjama pants dragged along the narrow corridor as he clutched his pillow and phone.

Automatically, he opened the door that read 197.

As his bare feet slapped against the carpet he caught sight of two figures on the floor.

A cover was situated over your sleeping body and an upside down laptop was by your feet.

Jungkook had obviously been trying to cuddle you but failed miserably since he had his back turned to you.

Yoongi sighed and threw his pillow down next to you, before kissing your cheek and falling asleep himself.

So, I just wanna say...

THANK YOU so much for 500 reads and 70 votes! I'm JuNgShOoK! I love you all so much my bunnies! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 x infinity!

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