Math Answers

286 8 1

[A/N nobody knows that Y/N knows Bangtan if you know what I mean

F/N = Friend's name (girl)

Y/N: 15y/o F/N: 16y/o]

"Please can you get me the answers! Please! You know I hate math!" Your friend tugged on your arm, begging. You'd already said no about 4 times. "Aish... Honestly sometimes... You have to wait outside." F/N's eyes widened as you watched the smile creep upon her face. "Finally!" She exclaimed with a dumbfounded expression. You sighed, looking down as you lead her down to the building. 'What am I getting myself into...'

You brought F/N to the dorm, all the curtains were deflecting the sun as usual and you prayed that Bangtan were at practise. Previously you informed F/N that your mom cared for you, and your dad had dramatically passed away. It was the only thing you could think of at the time...

"Wow... you weren't kidding when you said you're family wasn't broke..." F/N muttered, you snapped your head to her and then followed her gaze. "It is pretty big I guess." You shrugged, sighing. You took a step towards the door, giggling at your response as the shadows concealed your face. F/N let out a 'tch tch' from behind you.

You brought your knuckles to the door, banging them lightly against the firm plastic three times continuously. The door rattled and you faintly gulped, forming the conclusion of darting in and pushed the member back inside; if it were the case of being Bangtan. But, fortunately, a middle-aged woman stood before you - her eyes gleaming at the sight of you. You met her with a genuine smile. She was Min Sooyoung, one of the boys' cleaners.

"Is this your mom?" F/N's voice soon delivered you from your relief. You wanted to say yes, but would that be okay with Sooyoung? You took a glance at her and in seeing she winked, you chirped a small 'Yup'. On entering the dorm you turned to Sooyoung, "Uh... Is... Oppa home?" Sooyoung shook her head, "Ani, he gets back in two hours." You bowed to the woman and she beamed, returning the gesture.

"Show me your room!" F/N's hand gripped yours as she hauled you into the middle of the dining room. She froze took in the room; giving you a moment to snatch Namjoon's papers from the table. You shoved them in a draw. "Let's go to my room, you weren't meant to come in." You whined whilst encouraging her to your chamber.

Once compelled in, you slammed the door and glared at F/N for a minute. Your mouth opened in hopes to scold her on entering, but she spoke first. More like screamed. "Oh. My. God. Y/N you have every BTS album there ever was - every version of everything!" You whimpered slightly as she darted to the shelf by your bed before plummeting to her knees. "You said you didn't like them!" She squealed at you but never once released her eyes from the Persona album; since she hadn't got one yet. "I said I didn't know much about them, not that I didn't like them."

You strode over to the awestruck girl, lifting her up from the ground and leading her to the door. "My brother will be home soon." F/N turned to you; her eyes flickering from you, to the second bed in the door. "You share a room with your brother even though there's like 10 more rooms?" You sighed, "The other rooms get used up so we had to share - I didn't want it and neither did he but we got used to it."

"How old is he? Can I meet him? Is he cute?" You sat her on your bed and glared at her with exasperated eyes. She wasn't going away and you knew it. "He's 22, no you can't meet him and... well I don't know anyone that's ever called him ugly except Seo- s-someone I know." F/N's eyes increasingly widened, you got up and wrenched open your draw. Once finding the 3 A4 sheets you pushed the draw closed and pinned them before F/N with your hands. "Once you've copied it you're leaving. Got it?" You tried to keep your voice sharp. She nodded and gently removed a pencil from her bag.

"Your brother is the same age as Jungkook." She murmured while jotting things down. You ignored her comment and instead resorted to opening your phone. The newest phone to be precise. "Oh m-" "Please." I interrupted F/N. "It's just a phone." She pouted and diverted her attention back to the paper.

[i just had to confirm her savage level]

You clicked on the contact 'K👀kie'. You were going to send him a message saying F/N was there but the idea of him telling Seokjin didn't seem too appealing. So you just left it. F/N would leave anyway.


"Hurry up unnie~" You whined. You checked the time, 6:43PM. What time were the boys coming back again...? Well you got in at 5 because you went shopping. But that means- "F/N you've gotta go they'll be here soon!" F/N jerked up, causing the papers to soar into the air only to land before you. "Why am I not surprised." You'd known F/N for 2 years, you should've expected her to just doodle Bangtan's names instead of writing anything. At this point, you couldn't be bothered scolding her.

"Come on." You sighed as she rubbed her eyes. She collected the sheets and you gave her your work to copy at home.

You gave her a hug and walked her to the door. "Love you~" You cooed as you held the door open. Thank goodness she left with no hassle or else- "Oh my god Y/N!" You whipped your head around the door to see F/N indicating towards the limousine parked by the dorm.

You abruptly pushed F/N down the path. "It could be BTS!" She exclaimed as you tried convincing her that would never happen. "It's just my brother and his friends. They'll all be drunk and hurt you if you don't leave." F/N's gullible instinct clicked and she began participating and soon you could leave her to walk alone.

You bounded back to the door, wheezing. Once you shut the door you were met with 7 pairs of eyes.


"We're drunk and we'll hurt you?" Hoseok glared at you, you bit your lip in seeing that he disapproved of your words.

"Who gave you consent to have someone over?" Taehyung cocked his head to the side and folded his arms. "She just came in.." You frowned.

"Oh did she now?" Jimin cut in.

You didn't retract your eyes from the ground. They intimidated you when they stood around you like this. "You know what." Jimin began. You looked up at Jimin, only to see him raise his hand. You yelped as he brought it back down and you shielded your face.

But it had been a few seconds and you still hadn't felt Jimin's hand upon you. "Did you think I would hit you?" You removed your make-shift shield. You simply stared at him. "We're just messing with you~" He pouted and embraced you. Soon followed by Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok.

"So you're not cross?" You whispered against Jimin. "I'm not, but I'm sure Jin-hyung has other opinions. Just agree with everything he says and you'll make it out alive." You chuckled softly before Jimin let go, nudging you teasingly.

I was reading over this book before posted this (it's now 3am) and I was like bro who writes hobie and like why was jk so chill when y/n 'died'

So yeah I edited some stoof (pretty much just grammar errors) :) and then *finally* updated ^-^

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