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Update, finally!

"Told you it'd be short... The flight that is." Hoseok grinned at his hyung, Yoongi. Yoongi twisted round, glaring at Hoseok expressionless. You tried to concentrate on them, rather then your thoughts.

The flight wasn't too long, maybe about 3 hours.

As you got off the plane your brothers' security took your bags and you were left with your mask and yourself.

You put your mask on, slightly nervous about going out from the planes safety.

Jungkook was next to you, since you were lined up in age order, so you moved closer to him as you walked out of the craft.

It was okay... For about a minute. Before the deafening screams of fangirls was heard from crowds waiting inside the airport.

This was your least favourite part.

Everyone began speed walking as usual and Jungkook grabbed your hand to make sure you kept up, since only BTS got security.

As you walked some girls started chasing you from behind and what was a speed walk became more of a jog.

As the girls gained, a security guard grabbed Jungkook and urged him forward, breaking you from him.

"Oppa!" You screeched but he didn't hear since you weren't the only one yelling it. His head whipped round but by then you're already lost.

You tried your best to keep up, but it was hard because of the large crowds.

Eventually you lost them.

The screams died down and you were left alone. Asking someone would be no good.. 'Hey i'm Jungkook's sister along with the other million who claim to be!' You sighed.

You huddled into a corner as long hours past and it got darker and darker.

"Stupid airports." You whispered to nothing but air.

That was when a hooded figure approached you.

They wore a black mask and were dressed in a long black, hooded coat.

You shifted away uncomfortably, but that's when the figure, a man, bent down to the floor smiling.

"OPPA!!!” You screamed as you threw your arms around Jungkook.

It's about time.. you'd been waiting for hours.

"Please, don't leave me again.." You mumbled as he held you against his chest.

"Depends how annoying you get." Jungkook smiled whilst rubbing soft circles on your back.

"Nobody hurt you, right?" He quickly asked. Pulling away only to hold your face with his hands, examining it.

"...not really, no. I mean i got whacked with a gym bag at one point if that counts." You whispered, pushing back into his embrace.

"Let's be real, you deserve it for cheating at Mario Cart when we were on the plane." He giggled, his teeth on display.

"I did not!" You whined.

"Did too!" He flicked your nape instead of your forehead.

You groaned, "Whatever."

He held you tightly as you sat there, hugging one another like your lives depended on it.

"I can't believe you left me!" You abruptly shot, slapping his arm with no mercy.

"Yah!" Jungkook yelped whilst bringing his hand to his arm. "Keep your head on... sheesh.."

You glared at each other for a while before you both sighed.

"What about your tour?" You quickly snapped.

Jungkook scratched his head, "Well, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon kept shouting at staff so they eventually let us find you."

"Hey!" Someone cut through. "You can't speak! You were screaming at Hoseok!"

Jungkook's head shot up, allowing you to peek over his shoulder.

You broke from Jungkook, running to Jimin with open arms.

"Chim~! I missed you!"

Jimin looked over your hair as he hugged you, showing his smug grin to Jungkook who was now open-mouthed in jealousy.

"Yah! I'm the favourite here~" Jungkook whined as he moved to back hug you, resulting in you back kicking his shin.

"You're the one that lost her." Jimin perked, smirking.

Jungkook growled, "WhAtEvEr."

So i really dont know what the plot of this story is :( in some chapters Y/N has abusive parents and in others she doesn't...

Anyway, hope you have a good day! Love youuu~~

His Sister {JJK}Where stories live. Discover now