Escape room (pt.2)

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Well this was longer than expected.

Reluctantly, you went through the last door on the right with Jungkook behind you.

And would you look at that: another room of darkness.

A shiver crawled up your spine at the clang of the door as it fastened.

Sparing a glance towards Jungkook, you saw he was carefully examining your shared surroundings. Cautiously, you continued to proceed further into the room.

Something poked at your side, causing you to jolt away from the touch (which had been Jungkook) and squeal.

You slapped Jungkook's arm, leaving him both giggling and whining. However, the squeal echoed down the - what seemed to be - long room.

"Now look what you did, waking up all the monsters." Jungkook teased, trying to find ways of easing his own unsettlement.

But for all you know, he could be right.

"WAhHh!" You whipped round as you heard Seokjin's scream from the other room.

Jungkook looked at you nervously and excitedly. Seeing his excitement, you began to become slightly giddy due to fear.

You took his hand and looked at him in the eyes.

"We should split up, like the movies." He smirked, immediately tearing away and leaving you in the darkness.

"What?" You muttered, confused as you were left alone.

You wondered on, however. There where blood-red footprints marking the floor. Anxiously, you followed them - intently watching the ground.

"Y/N!!" Jungkook yelled. Your head shot up as you faced the direction of his voice. But he wasn't there. "Y/N! Where are you?!"

You weren't sure if he was playing with you, trying to scare you or being serious. But the pleading tone and adrenalin in his voice told you that perhaps this was real.

"" You answered in a hushed tone, stopping in your tracks and scanning all around yourself.

You turned back around, hearing footsteps. You gasped.

"J...." Was all you could get out as the limping, blood-smothered figure slowly approached you.

Even though in the back of your brain you knew this was fake, your imagination thought otherwise.

Luckily for you, Jungkook quickly grasped your arm and hauled you away.

You looked up at him, grinning sheepishly.

He was already grinning, releasing your arm. "I found a door - Let's go!"

His larger hand engulfed your smaller one, leading you blindly through the dark.

"Did you see the zombie person?" You said whilst jogging beside him.

"No I didn't see a thing. I pulled your arm for the fun of it." Jungkook stated sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes, pulling your hand away as he halted.

"I present to you..." Jungkook motioned to a bright light in the shape of a small keyhole. "...The exit~"

"But where's the key?" I whispered, watching him as he shrugged.

I looked around quickly before hugging Jungkook.

"What's this for?" He chuckled, rubbing your back.

"In case we die." You said.

Slowly you broke away; yet subtly keeping your body close to Jungkook's.

"You looking for this pretty boy?"

A threatening voice growled.

You looked in front of you to see a tall man with a paper-white face and clown costume.

From his index finger dangled a silver, rusted key.

Immediately you pushed Jungkook in front of you, shielding yourself.

"You'll have to come and get it~"

The 'clown' chimed, dancing away into the darkness.

Before anything could happen, Jungkook sprinted off. You abruptly paced fastly some metres behind him.

"Give it here!" Jungkook laughed, continuing to chase the man to the far corner of the room; and, appearing not the least bit wary.

A dim light miraculously flickered on to illuminate the centre of the room, but concealing the edges of the large room in shadows.

The clown let out a high-pitched screech as Jungkook snatched the key from his grasp.

The boy returned to you, grinning with both the feeling of excitement and accomplishment.

He presented the key, tracing over the now-blunt edges before squeezing it in his hand.

"AGH JUNGKOOK-" You cried as the clown-man towered over him from behind.

Jungkook shrieked as he glanced behind himself, pushing you away before bounding away himself.

"Letsgoletsgoletsgo!" Jungkook screamed as he pushed you towards the door, forcing you into a state of panic.

You could hear the man's footsteps as he ran from across the room, his feet dragging from the weight of the baton he was carrying.

"Open the door!" Jungkook cried again, as you now made it to the door.

You yanked on the handle, before realising it was obviously locked. Why else would there be a key?

"The key, Jungkook! Use the key!" You pulled back, allowing him to shift you to the side.

He eagerly shoved the key into the lock and twisted it with force.

"Go!!" You pressed against Jungkook's back as the man was about 2 steps away from you.

Suddenly, you stumbled through the doorframe, into Jungkook. He slammed the door and locked it from the outside.

You both slid down the door in unison, leaning against it. Jungkook sighed in relief whilst you dropped your head onto his shoulder.

You were in a small, plain white room. It seemed to join all 4 rooms together. Jimin and Namjoon were panting, each with a red handprint on their faces in the middle of the room - standing against the opposing wall.

"Y/N-ie-!" Hoseok - who you'd just noticed with Yoongi across the room - cooed. He ran up to you, his face flushed from what you could only guess was fear.

"Aigoo! Yoongi-Hyung was so bad! He kept scaring me!" He whined.

Hoseok being himself, of course had to curl into a ball on the floor; resting his head on your thigh.

You couldn't even force out acknowledgment. Your burst of energy was over, leaving you like a deflated balloon.

There was a loud bang, followed by a second of Jin's screaming. Jimin pulled you up and everyone stood in anticipation for the last two to come through their door.

"YAH! KILL THE DAMNED THING!" Seokjin cried.

The door burst open, revealing first Taehyung, then Seokjin's reddened face.

"Shut it!" Jin shouted.

"It's shut!" Taehyung yelled back, louder.

The pair froze, turning to the 6 pairs of eyes upon them.

"All in favour of never again letting Jungkookie choose which escape room we pick say aye. " Seokjin declared.








"Aw man..."

[MY LOVE] >>>*sending*>>> [YOU]

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