Thanks Yoongz

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You stumbled into Yoongi's room, uncontrollably laughing your butt off.

"Y-Yoon-g-gi!" You stuttered through pants. "Y-you gotta see this!"

Yoongi groaned and paused his laptop, removing his headphones.

"What? I'm trying to record-"

You stopped him by shoving a video of him messing around, only it had been edited to make it extremely hilarious.

"Look at your eyes!" You cried, holding onto his shoulder for support as he sat on his spiny chair.

"Haha very funny." Yoongi spoke dryly, trying hard to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh come on oppa, it is funny."

"Can you just leave (Y/N)." Yoongi requested, his eyes suddenly seeming annoyed.

You didn't leave though.

"...are you alright?" You instantaneously queried.

"(Y/N)! Leave!" Yoongi loudly exclaimed, pointing argumentatively at the door.

You flinched, your smile faded; not expecting his outburst. "S-sorry"

Scurrying out the door, you met eyes with Hoseok.

"Are you okay dongsaeng? You look frightened." He asked, pouting and rubbing your shoulder.

You looked up at your beaming brother. "Yeah, why is Yoongz cross?"

Hoseok sighed - had he already anticipated you would ask that.

"He's been working on our new song for like, forever! Poor Hyung, he hasn't slept in days. He's been under so much pressure I wouldn't be surprised if he kicked off." Hoseok explained a frown situated across his usually joyful face. "I don't know what to do about it."

You let out a small "oh" and felt guilty for ever disturbing your brother.

"It's okay dongsaeng. It's not your fault." Hobi calmed, winking at you.

You rubbed your temples in a thoughtful manner. "Why don't we throw him a mini party to thank him for everything he does!" You suggested excitedly.

Hoseok smiled brightly and took your hand, taking you to inform the others. All except Yoongi.


You and Hoseok had been targeted with decorating duty. Both Jin and Namjoon worked on the cake as the Maknae line were supposedly 'browsing online for a present'.

Your brother put you on his shoulders in order to reach the roof. You taped one end of the party banner to one end of the roof and then the other end to the other end.

Giggles escaped your mouth as Hobi kept pulling faces through the transparent balloons, trying to entertain his dongsaeng.

When you two finished on decorations, you went to investigate Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"So how are you getting on?" Hobi interrogated as you took a seat next to Jimin and Taehyung, glaring at their phones.

"Watching YouTube is not looking for presents." You acknowledged, slapping both their arms playfully.

"Actually," Jungkook piped up. "We already bought Hyung a present." Jungkook pulled a cunning smirk and scrunched up his nose arrogantly at you.

Hoseok bowed in gratitude and Jimin stuck his tongue out at you; Taehyung ruffling your hair.

"Well?" You queried, doubting something in the air. "Whatcha get him?"

The boys all remained unfazed as they glared expectantly at each other. "Uh..." Taehyung murmured, like the words escaped his mind.

"We bought him a massive teddy with a T-shirt of him on."

All you could do was gaze blankly at them. "Really?"


In the sudden spur of a moment, you burst hysterically into random fits of laughter. "O-oh mY go-sh tHat's-s pEr-fe-cT!" You managed to choke out.

Taehyung chuckled as you melted onto his lap due to your uncontrollable giggles. Jimin and Jungkook both sighed in relief along with satisfaction.

"I hope he likes everything."


"Is it all ready?" Hoseok asked Jin, who was setting the cake on the table in an orderly fashion.

"I think so." The eldest replied - satisfied with everyone's efforts.

The party-group was huddled round as they waited in anticipation for Yoongi to appear before them.

Just as the boy came into sight, everyone inhaled seriously.

"Thank you for doing so much for Bangtan and being amazing in general!" Everyone chimed, gesturing to the banners with their hands.

Jimin bit his lip when Yoongi continued to nonchalantly stare at the bundle.

"Who's idea was this?" He asked sternly.

You apprehensively swallowed a lump in your throat. "M-mine."

Yoongi glared at you sinisterly. Jungkook evidently gulped also, not sure whether to interject on his sister's behalf.

"Awh who am I kidding." Yoongi sighed, breaking into a grin. "You didn't have to do this."

You sighed with a hand to your heart in abrupt comfort. "Of course we had to!" You countered, beaming ear to ear.

Yoongi pulled you into a tight, desirable hug. His head was on top of yours as your head lay against his chest.

"Sorry I shouted at you before." He whispered.

You signed. "No no it's fine." You muttered back. "You didn't mean to, I hope."

"No," he chuckled. "Of course not."

"Love you Yoongz."

"Yeah yeah, how can you not."

Heyyyyyy peeps ❤️❤️

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Heyyyyyy peeps ❤️❤️

So, I've just realised that I don't know if dorms have stairs in them? 😂😂 So if they don't, please just imagine BTS's do 😂💖👌

So, I've just realised that I don't know if dorms have stairs in them? 😂😂 So if they don't, please just imagine BTS's do 😂💖👌

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I'm so proud of y'all for being part of life

Love you x

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