High ropes

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"Look, I know I'm out of this world, but I can't have the risk of my beautiful face falling from so high." Jin uttered, his lips pressed into a thin line to stop himself from bursting out in laughter.

Yoongi sighed, bringing his fingers to his forehead, "So I walked all the way here to watch someone walk on some wood and ropes, but nobody's gonna do it."

"It's not that," Jimin cut in. "it's so tall, Hyung! I didn't think it would be so tall..." He gestured to the structure, waving his arms in circles.

"It's not tall, you're just small." Jungkook smirked. Jimin only rolled his eyes, "You do it then."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Fine, but I need two accomplices in order to take part." His eyes scanned over the group.

"I'll do it."

All eyes went on you as you gave out a small shrug.

"Why- Y/N... me and you are the prettiest here, and you want to go on that?" Seokjin gaped at you, making you giggle.

"I mean why not." I smirked, knowing everyone else was too afraid.

"Come on Hobi." You grabbed his wrist, preparing to drag him to the entrance only for him to latch on to Jimin.

"I am NOT going up there!" Hoseok firmly stated, his arms wrapped around Jimin's right arm.

"Oh..." You immediately gave up knowing it was no use with him. Jimin, Seokjin and Yoongi had already said no..

"Namjoon?" You looked at him, causing him to look up from his phone.

"Mm?" He stole a glance at you, then to the other members. "uhh... I'll pay instead." He gave you a dimple smile to try and make up for it.

"Tae-Tae~?" You abruptly did your puppy-eyes inherited from Jungkook, in turn making Taehyung throw his head back in dismay. "B-But-"

"Come on, hyung, it'll be fun." Jungkook began pleading with you.

"Alright..." He gave in, rubbing his arm.

You grinned and dragged him over to the entrance; lightening him up a little.

Soon enough, a man came - slipping everyone into a harness and tightening it up. He went through a few safety procedures before smiling. "Off you go!"

Since it was arranged in age order, it was you, Jungkook and finally Taehyung.

Once you guys were up the first tree, you had to climb a sideways on net.

You placed your feet in the little squares and wrapped you fingers around the rope.

Jungkook soon copied your actions, making you wobble.

"Yah! Jungkookie stop." You exclaimed as you remained still in hope to calm the wobbling.

"Are you scared?" He took his hand of to poke your side, causing you to jerk back.

"So what if I am, stop- you're doing it on purpose now!" You kicked his leg, making him groan but giggle.

You looked past Jungkook to see that Taehyung hadn't even got on yet.

But, to your annoyance, Jungkook wouldn't stop shaking the net and therefore you couldn't move.

"Stop it now~!" You whined, beginning to lose grip. You kicked his leg again, since it was the only way you seemed to be able to affect him.

"Jungkookie stop I'm gonna fall." You said sternly. But as you finished your sentence, Jungkook poked your side again - causing you to completely let go.

Jungkook had thought you were just scared, not that you were telling the truth... but now his eyes widened as he reached to grab you.

Everything happened so quickly for him, you letting go, your hand brushing against his fingers, him jumping- wait what?

Before Jungkook knew it he'd let go himself, he had a slight panic in why he'd done such a thing before realising - to catch you.

However, you managed to grab onto the lower end of the net - stopping yourself from hitting the floor.

You gasped as Jungkook fell from above you.

[lol why do I imagine this as such a funny picture]

You managed to grasp his arm and pull him in onto the net, making sure he'd got a firm grip on it before releasing him.

As he caught his breath, you made eye contact. A part of you wanted to wrap your arms around him and explain how you'd just fallen about 10 metres, but you resorted to the other part of you.

You punched his abdomen and glared at him. "Why do you keep trying kill me!" His eyes widened and he was taken aback by your reaction.

"You're the one that pushed me!" He suddenly countered - trying to justify his actions.

You groaned at his stubbornness. "Yeah because you were shaking the ropes!"

"Are you trying to-"

"Please release the nets and let the rope harness lower you down."

Your eyes travelled below you to see 2 man waving you down, roughly 5 metres away.

"See - now we have to stop~!" You droned with a sigh.

Jungkook only pouted, watching as you let go again and were lowered softly and gently to the ground.

He did the same, the men coming to remove his harness. Once he was free from any equipment he returned to his members, seeing Hoseok squeezing you in relief.

He pouted as Seokjin threw him a disapproving look.

He was about to throw in something for his defence before one of the men approached the group.

"We are happy to repay you with a full refund... when you two set off our safety features were not in place fast enough and we sincerely apologise."

The man bowed a couple of times before Yoongi spoke up. "Yeah I want a refund."

Seokjin nudged him but Yoongi only shrugged with a "What? I want Namjoon's money if it's coming free."

The man nodded, taking off to the reception.

"Now," Seokjin turned to you and Jungkook. "Jungkook no Wi-Fi for a week - Y/N, are you okay?"

Jungkook let out a wheeze. "I'm not 10 any more, hyung, I can buy my own Wi-Fi if it comes to it."

"You will not be doing such thing." Jin firmly stated before turning back to you.

You had to quickly wipe the smirk off you face as you replied. "Yes, oppa, I'm fine."

Jungkook growled at you, knowing there was nothing he could do.

Once 'Yoongi's refund' was delivered, everyone turned to leave before Taehyung's cry cut through the air.

"Yah! What about me!"

This was inspired after something similar happened to one of my sister's lol

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