Is it true?

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You tilted your head in confusion as you walked through the crowded corridor, towards your locker.

You just couldn't understand why everyone was being so weird today. It was as if you were an alien or something.

"Do you think it's really her?"

"It looks like her."

"I mean, she knows everything about them?"

"Yeah, she's really good at singing too!"

You continued walking whilst trying to shake the thought out of your head - surely they weren't talking about you, right?

As soon as you found your locker it was blocked by a group of whispering girls.

Their chatter silenced at the sight of you and they cleared your path.

They simply gaped at you as you casually stuffed your coat into your locker.

You turned to leave but a girl placed her hand lightly on your shoulder.

"Yes?" You responded politely.

The girl blushed before hiding behind her friend. "N-nothing."

You glanced at her in disbelief before awkwardly resuming your walk to your form.

Once you entered the classroom everybody's eyes fell on you once more.

You gulped and took a seat next to your best friend.

"Why is everybody acting so weird?" You asked (B/F/N), in a slightly hushed tone.

"Is it true?" She whispered. She was obviously ignoring your question.

"Is what true?"

You glanced around as everyone gathered around you, waiting for your response.

"Were you really the girl in Park Jimin's V-live?" Someone uttered.

You hid your face in your hands. A dark shade of berry-red took over your face as you remembered last nights incidents.

Jimin was FaceTiming Jungkook during a Vlive. When he showed Jungkook to ARMY he didn't realise you were with him.

Hence, you were revealed to ARMY. Something as little as that made ARMY grow wild.

"I-I uh, what do you mean?" You said in attempts to cover it up.

A boy answered you with, "Jimin was FaceTiming Jungkook and he was with a girl that looked exactly like you!"

You gulped. "It might've been me..."

Everybody's eyes widened. It wasn't long before you were swamped with questions.

"Can I have your number?"

"Do you live with Jungkook oppa?"

"Do you go out with 'em?"

"What's Kim Taehyung like?"

"Are you rich?"

Your brain felt overwhelmed and if it wasn't for the teacher you were certain it would've exploded.

"Settle down now!" She yelled.

The class bounded to their seats as Miss called out the register.

Then her emerald green eyes locked onto 'Jeon (Y/N)'. You'd told people that that just happened to be your name, they all believed you - but now they were rethinking.

"(Y/N), is it true?" She inquired, chewing on her ball-point pen.

"Uhh" you blushed. "...possibly."

Your teacher blushed too and her tone suddenly became a lot nicer to you.

You hadn't even said yes.

When break came you darted to the female restrooms and locked yourself in the cubicle.

"Are you okay? Aren't you at school?" Jin spoke through your phone speaker, concern clear in his loving tone.

"Yes," you answered. "But they found out about me Jin, ARMY."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just go with the flow Dongsaeng." He suggested.

You huffed. "A girl asked me to lick her pen. Like some of your fans are so odd!"

Jin chuckled and the gasped dramatically; "So you're not a fan!?"

You face palmed. "That's not what I meant pabo."

Your brother was about to hang up before you grabbed his attention, "oh, and Jin?"


"My teacher is so annoying. I need you to bale me out of a detention again." You growled, making a fist.

"What did you do now, huh? I swear if you've had a fight again, I'm not having Yoongi and Jungkook coming back home again with cuts down their faces." He replied, taking a glance at your brothers.

"Not this time oppa and I didn't even know they went out!" You chuckled. "My Bangtan-loving teacher decided that I was shouting out in class and now I have an after school detention. Literally though, when I walked out the door she asked me to send you her love - you're probably her favourite."

Jin laughed his iconic laugh, "I'm not gonna save you from a Kim-Seokjin-lover now am I?"

You rolled your eyes and sighed in annoyance. "Oh please Jin! I didn't even do anything!"

"Aniyo dongsaeng, annyeong!"

"No Jin- wait... Screw you." You complained.

You braced yourself for the tiring day ahead of you.

You braced yourself for the tiring day ahead of you

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