Nighttime snack

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You woke up to the sound of your tummy whining. "Ugh..." You grumbled, turning from your back to your front and snuggling into the duvet. Closing your eyes, you sighed contentedly.

That was only for you to hear another growl from your stomach. "Fineee!" You mumbled, beaten by your body's demands. "A little snack won't hurt."

Slipping into the cold bedroom-air, you scanned your surroundings. It was just you in the room so you made no effort to be quite, it looked like Jungkook hadn't even came into the room.

Toggling a few buttons on your phone, the screen read '04:24'. You placed it back on your pillow and wondered to the door; feeling your way through the dark.

After stepping out of the room, you gently clicked the door shut and noticed everyone seemed to be in their rooms.

You tiptoed down to the kitchen in your fluffy bed socks with a rebellious feeling in your gut.

Licking your lips, you proudly dragged a chair over to the shelf and mounted it - reaching for Jin's secret stash of chocolate at the top. As you pulled a large bar down, you smirked and made move to get down.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

You would've fallen off the chair if there wasn't a wall behind you, shoving the chocolate bar behind your back, you attempted to pull the least guilt-stricken face possible. You relaxed, however, when you saw only Jimin.

"Hi Chim." You smiled casually, stepping from the chair and tucking it back away. "What you doing this late?" You chuckled, biting your lip as to not seem suspicious. Though, it was pretty obvious you'd taken something.

"What are you hiding?" Jimin smirked, trying to peek behind you. You replied with a quick "Nothing" and inched to your bedroom, awkwardly walking backwards and past Jimin. You switched the snack to your front so you could walk like usually.

You reached your door and chuckled to yourself. Until, two hands sloped around your shoulders, snatching your prized possession.

"Chocolate? Where'd you find this?" Jimin examined the packaging.

"Yah! Give it back! It's not yours!" You jumped up at Jimin, reaching for the chocolate as he held it high above you. He kept backing up to stay out of your reach until his back hit the wall.

"I'm not sure it's your's either, sis." Jimin snickered whilst trying to dodge your attacks.

You were chest-to-chest as you stood on your toes and stretched your whole body to reach the only thing you currently wanted.

"Giv- Jimin!" You let out a high-pitched squeak as the boy poked your ribcage. You recoiled long enough for him to escape, leaving giggles behind him.

You chased after him, giggling, into the lounge. When you pushed the door open you were engulfed by darkness. You didn't slow down, however, and ended up tripping on what felt like someone's leg.

You fell face first into a base of pillows, the lights flashed on and you were met with pillows thrown into your face.

"Yah!" You called out as you scrambled up, facing none other than the maknae line and a seemingly broken pillow-fort. Without the lights, the TV lit the room.

"Are you watching a movie...? At 4am?" You froze, everyone standing up realising they'd just exposed themselves.

Taehyung ran over to you and slammed a hand over your mouth. "You dare tell anyone." Jungkook followed in a stern voice.

"Give her a rest, she stole Jin's chocolate." Jimin winked at you and motioned to the chocolate on the couch. "Wanna join us sis?" He finished.

You looked to the widescreen TV on pause and the floor of pillows. "Secret for secret."

Taehyung removed his hand as you nodded.

"I can't believe you're watching a film. All three of you too." You uttered with a chuckle.

"We started it at 3am because we thought it'd be scarier." Taehyung responded, Jungkook humming in agreement.

The lights were knocked off as everyone scattered. Jungkook sat on the floor, Taehyung lying on his stomach, you sat against Jimin's side.

You were so glued to the horror-film, that when Jungkook nudged you, you gasped and a short screech left you.

"Shh!" He cried at you and you covered your mouth. "I was just gonna give you the last chocolate.." He shoved the chocolate in your hand, you nodding.

You watched for another few minutes until the door burst open. Jimin grabbed you, using you as a shield.

"Is that my chocolate?" Jin exclaimed.

Sorry his wasn't the best :'( I'm running low on inspiration...

Sorry his wasn't the best :'( I'm running low on inspiration

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Stay beautiful ^-^

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