Chapter 2 - Out Of Luck Identity

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Chapter 2 - Out Of Luck Identity

The instant Zhao Hai fainted, a memory that wasn't his suddenly intruded in his mind, as if a program that didn't belong to your computer was suddenly installed, the suddenness almost making Zhao Hai's brain crash. Even if he didn't crash, it at least made his brain freeze up, as he bit by bit digested the information in his mind.

He didn't know how long it was before Zhao Hai woke up. He felt as if there was a batch of memories that absolutely didn't belong to him in his brain.

In this collection of memories, his name was Adam Buda, born to the family of a general in the Aksu Empire on the Ark continent. With the position of Marquis in Aksu Empire for three generations, the family had finally waned in Adam's lifetime. Adam was a hedonistic young master, and along with his mother dying early and his father away leading troops for years on end, he grew an extreme disregard for legal and natural morality, oppressing the people and not shirking from any crime. But his father always covered for him, wielding a massive military force, nobody could touch him.

But his father had made a mistake. In the Aksu Empire's struggle for succession, he had stood on the wrong side.

Aksu Empire's old king was the forty seventh monarch. He had altogether fifteen royal sons, five of whom could become king: the grand prince, the third prince, the fourth prince, the seventh prince, and the thirteenth prince.

Stipulated in the laws of Aksu Empire, only the children of king's queen and consorts were entitled to become king. Of course, not every child of the queen and consorts could become king, only those children bestowed with title of grand duke or higher.

People born to the imperial family would hold the title of count, and if they didn't establish some achievements in the imperial capital, they would only stay counts for the rest of their lives, and unlanded counts at that. Only by establishing achievements would they advance, at most up to Prince of the Blood.

Of course, children of the queen and consorts couldn't only be counts. They would ordinarily be titled dukes, and as long as they then made some minor contributions or perhaps found a pretext, they could rise to grand duke, and finally to Prince of the Blood, making them eligible to become king.

And the five children of the forty seventh Aksu king able to inherit the title were all Princes of the Blood. Among them, the grand prince and fourth prince were born by the queen, while the third prince and seventh prince were children of imperial consort Karin, and the thirteenth prince was born by imperial consort Avril, and was also the weakest one, never thought highly of. People always thought that the grand prince was the queen's child, making him the orthodox choice, and the third prince had always been with the grand prince through thick and thin, so a lot of people supported the grand prince's succession. And the fourth prince and seventh prince were partners, the seventh prince had the fourth prince's support, and also the support of the Karin family, whose voices were very loud in the court. Only the thirteenth prince was the youngest, the weakest, always the least conspicuous, that's why nobody was optimistic about him.

And Adam's father was in the grand prince's camp. This was also quite normal, the grand prince's voice was the loudest at the time, and the Buda family wasn't any influential noble clan, they had only step by step advanced to the position of marquis through military accomplishments in the generation of grandfather Buda. They wanted to rise into the ranks of the old nobility a bit quicker, therefore he chose to support the candidate most likely to become king, the grand prince. As long as the grand prince became king, the Buda family might rise into the core of the Aksu Empire's power, becoming truly recognized nobles in the empire.

On the continent, any king's nobles were split into two kinds, one the old nobility, the other the new nobility. The gap between new and old nobility was very clear, new nobles would usually be thought of as upstarts, never regarded well by the old nobility, and also never able to enter the power center of the empire.

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