Chapter 17- Lunatic

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Chapter 17- Lunatic

Here in the Ark continent, it’s not that no one has studied the Black Waste. About a thousand years ago, a very famous Wood Master Mage, joined with several Water Mages and alchemists, along with elves who had the most extensive knowledge about plants, and started studies on the Black Waste. Their intention was to change the Black Waste’s soil and turn it into the largest granary in the continent.

But after twenty years of research, they couldn’t even grow a single blade of grass within the Black Waste. Subsequently, they had to give up.

From then on, no one had ever studied the Black Waste again. People think that the Black Waste has no value even if you study it, it’s nothing but a waste of time.

In actuality, this had something to do with the general situation in the Ark continent. Although the population on the continent might not be small, the land is even bigger. There are plenty of arable lands, therefore food related issues are almost non-existent and agriculture has never been a concern.

But the continent has been very peaceful in recent years, there have been no major wars. The population is growing rapidly, so much so that some small countries are experiencing food shortages. However, as the weather of the five empires remains ideal and no such problems are present there, the food shortages of these countries did not cause widespread concern.

And don’t forget that slaves exist in the Ark continent. Even if the prices of food were to go up, it would mean nothing to them, they would just need to feed the slaves less, as long as they are not starved to death.

The slaveholders will naturally never spread that their slaves were having smaller meals. In fact, when those slaveholders are together, they would never talk about slaves. They would discuss about women, even about the moon light, but never about slaves. Therefore, the continent’s people don’t even know that food related issues are creeping closer and closer.

Now that the continent is at peace, every country’s economy is steadily growing, so the prices of necessities are also on the rise, but naturally those in power do not know this. Although the economy can be said to be rising, the standard of living for most citizens did not improve, on the contrary, it has only gotten worse. Much less can be said about the conditions of slaves.

With the economy on the rise, the prices of item will naturally follow suit. But while the prices went up, the income of the common citizens did not. This led to many citizens being unable to provide for themselves, ultimately becoming slaves, intensifying the problems of society.

But Meirin did not know all of this, what she knew was that food items on the continent are very expensive now. If Zhao Hai can really change the completely inarable soil of the Black Waste into fertile land, then even if the Buda family didn’t want to flourish, it would be impossible not to.

On seeing the excited look on her face, Zhao Hai chuckled ,”Yes, Grandma Meirin, this is an ability I have gotten, but I can only improve ten acres of land each day. So you have to organize them in the afternoon, to measure out the land. We will take a thousand acres as our mark, any more and we won’t be able to handle it, you may stop after measuring a thousand acres.”

Meirin nodded excitedly and said, “Yes Young Master, I will arrange it immediately.” Upon finishing her words, Meirin started to walk out.

Zhao Hai quickly stopped her, “Alright Grandma Meirin, don’t be anxious. It can wait till after our meal. And also, we definitely cannot do too much, as well as not be too far apart from the castle. We must not let others discover this ability of mine, if not, given the current capability of the Buda family, we cannot guard against them at all.”

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