Chapter 13 - Change of Perception

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Chapter- Change of Perception

Zhao Hai looked at the faces of the two men, but they remained silent. It seems that these men are not really fools. Either way, he doesn’t want to tell lies to his friends and family. Probably the only thing he can do is bring them into the farm space, so he relents, realizing it won’t be too bad since he will eventually have to tell them about the farm space anyway.

Smiling, Zhao Hai said: “All right, put down the swords, you are taking all this to seriously. I’m ready, we’re moving forward.” As he finished speaking, the trio disappeared from this place and in the next moment they appeared inside the farm space.

Blockhead and Rockhead waited a little bit and then wholly examined the place inside the space farm. They paid attention to growing radishes on the fields, while also seeing some straw huts and a pile of different things in front of a shack.

Looking over the two men who were still holding swords in their hands, Zhou Hai clapped them on the shoulders and said: “Put down your swords, they are out of place here, don’t you think so?”

At once it dawned upon Blockhead and Rockhead. Both unconsciously put down their swords at last. They didn’t dare to ignore Zhao Hai, because now his words have a prime importance for them and must be carried out.

Sensing the change in the men, Zhou Hai kinda feels that from now on they will perceive him as a true master and follow his orders.

However, he doesn’t lose himself thinking about it, instead he attentively inspects the growing radishes and the things inside of the shack, other than the fact that he has 200 gold coins now, there are no changes at all. He can remember that when it was a game the system would automatically update the farm with weeds and insects. Moreover, it was quite often then. These things are direct enemies of cultivation.

Fortunately, they were not updated, but it is still a reason why Zhao Hai should come to this space sometimes. It is not essential for him to think about the results of cultivation, the space farm reminded him about harvest time. Unfortunately, Zhao Hai can’t know about growing weeds or the appearances of insects. The space farm is not his ally in this matter.

In the present situation he can’t just guess about it, because all of these matters affect income. And if he want to think about staying alive,  he will need a lot of money, much more money. It is out of the question to make any mistakes.

Blockhead and Rockhead are following close to the Zhao Hai in the same way as before, though from now on their perception has changed. Previously the duo only obeyed Green, but after coming to this place, the status of Zhou Hai has risen above Green’s status. From now on, not only will they obey Zhou Hai’s orders, they will place them above all else.

Zhao Hai doesn’t know whether this space is some kind of space magic now. In fact, all things in here obey his orders. However, the place is supposed to be leveled up from the start. His level is too low now, this fact is clear for him. Therefore, he should raise its level in the near future. After it becomes a high level, this place will wholly obey his orders.

Since he is the owner of the farm space, whatever he took into the space would automatically acknowledge him as its master. He is not a God, but his orders are absolute here. So now Blockhead and Rockhead think about him in the same way in this place.

Zhao Hai is not aware of this yet, he is just attentively examining the space farm for anything new, but there are no changes at all. The situation here is pretty normal. Although he got a level up, Zhou Hai was only presented with some seeds.

However, Zhao Hai isn’t in a bad mood. Even though he doesn’t have too much money, this amount is sufficient for one additional seeding. If Green is not here at the moment of harvest, then he will buy seeds after exchanging a part of the harvest for gold coins.

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