Chapter 11- Planning

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Chapter 11- Planning

Green had lived in the imperial capital his whole life, what great spectacles hadn't he seen? He at once returned to his senses, but still didn't look at the thing on the table, rather looking at Zhao hai with light flickering in his eyes: "Young master, you can use magic?"

Zhao Hai shook his head: "I can't use magic. You know, anyone who has drunk the Water of Nothingness will be unable use magic. This is just an ability, it has no offensive ability, it can only let me store some things."

Green nodded, slightly disappointed, then finally turned his head to the table. Seeing the radish on the table, he couldn't help staring blankly, at once grabbing it and looking it over. Smelling it again and again, he finally took a bite, nodded, placed the radish back on the table and turned to look at Zhao Hai: "Young master, this is a magic weed turnip, a very common magic vegetable."

Zhao Hai looked distracted: "What's magic vegetables? Don't tell me there are still other vegetables?"

Green nodded: "Yes, young master, the vegetables on the Ark continent are divided into two kinds, one is common vegetables, such vegetables are ordinarily eaten by commoners or slaves, and nobles generally all eat magic vegetables. Such vegetables all contain some magic energy, and can only be grown on especially good land, and still need people to nurse them very carefully. Magic radish is a kind of such magic vegetables, but they're the most common, the current market value is around one silver coin per catty."

Zhao Hai swiftly calculated in his mind. Right now he had eighty thousand catty of radish, one silver per catty, that was still eighty thousand silver, exchanged for gold it would be eight thousand. This was a lot more than selling in the space, where they could be sold for five hundred gold, a little more than six copper per catty. Referring to the purchasing power of this world and comparing to Earth, if he sold these radishes in the space, he would only get little more than six tenths of an RMB per catty, but if he sold it to the people here, he could get ten RMB per catty, a difference of close to twenty times. Even idiots knew how to do this business.

At this time Green picked up that radish again: "But this magic radish is a bit strange, I've never seen such a large magic radish on the continent, and the taste is a lot stronger than magic radish. Young master, where did you get this thing?"

Zhao Hai didn't answer, he only continued: "Then does Blue Eyed Rabbits eat the leaves of these things? When we buy magic radish, do we buy it with the leaves?"

Green shook his head: "If we were to buy this magic radish, we wouldn't want the leaves. The leaves of this thing don't taste good. But it's still food that Blue Eyed Rabbits are extremely fond of. Why do you ask, young master?"

Zhao Hai stood up, pacing two laps with a happy expression: "The Heavens haven't forsaken me, the Heavens haven't forsaken me, hah, too good, with this thing, I can start a pasture."

Green looked at Zhao Hai's appearance, and felt a burst of fear. He didn't know what was up with Zhao Hai, and thought he had gone insane, promptly saying: "Young master, young master, what is it? Don't scare an old man."

Zhao Hai returned to his senses, looking at Green and laughing: "Don't be scared, grandpa Green. I'm only too excited. Oh, right, grandpa Green, let me ask you, is this magic radish easy to sell?"

Green saw that Zhao Hai was alright and was relieved, at once nodding: "Easily, right now there are no major conflicts on the continent, and people have a lot of income. A lot of commoners will also buy some magic radish to eat, and magic radish is the cheapest magic vegetable, so a lot of people buy it."

Zhao Hai nodded, sitting down and having Green sit down as well: "Grandpa Green, right now I have eighty thousand catty of this magic radish on hand, think of a means to sell it, it doesn't matter if it's a bit cheap, but it has to be sold as quickly as possible. Afterwards buy some Blue Eyed Rabbits, the more the better. The mountain we're living on has a lot of abandoned dwarven mines, we can turn those mines into Blue Eyed Rabbit warrens, then we can have a stable income later."

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