Chapter 21- Water Problems

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Chapter 21 - Water Problems

In the evening, Zhao woke up.

It was dark outside. Meirin and everyone else had come back. Generally, no one went out at night. Doing so would require using torches or oil lamps, which would mean wasting oil. They had to save every bit of the supplies they had.

Since it was dark, the slaves have already eaten. Now they had a period of rest where they were free to do whatever they wanted inside the castle. Zhao did not worry that they would try to escape, so he let them relax.

Right now the slaves were chatting in the castle's courtyard. Compared to other places, this place was simply paradise. Everyday they would have enough to eat, have a dry place to sleep, and they would have a daily period of rest.

When they first came here, they were still in despair. They knew of the situation in the Black Waste. Although they were slaves, they have heard nothing good about it. It was a barren land, and next to it was the carrion swamp. This was a place of death. They thought that they would soon starve in the future.

But they didn't expect that within two days after they arrived here, their master would have an ability that could turn the black soil into fertile earth, which was something even magic spells couldn't do. Now they didn't have to worry about starving to death.

Better living conditions than before, being treated with the same attitude as treating regular people, the promise to be free from slavery if they do a good job, plus their master's magical ability. All these things added up to them being very loyal to Zhao. Now the slaves weren't just doing passive work, but rather they wanted to work even more so that they can be freed from slavery a little earlier.

Zhao quietly watched over the slaves from his window. He wanted to chat with them, but he knew that now was not the time. These slaves have been oppressed for a very long time. When they saw anyone of the aristocracy, they would be too nervous to chat and would instead kneel in fear without daring to lift their head.

Changing a person's identity was easy, but changing their way of thinking was very difficult. It would take a long and gradual process to change their ideas, even if only a little bit. If you tried to hit them too fast with radical ideas, even if you were successful in changing their minds, you would only build up a foundation that was too unstable. So Zhao didn't go chat with the slaves. Now wasn't the right time.

Undoubtedly, the newly cultivated farm land and the possibility to be free gave these slaves some hope. When they first came here, the slaves moved around like they were dead, but now their lives were filled with hope.

Zhao liked to see such a look in those slaves' eyes. Only people with hope would do things to the very best of their ability.

Just then, someone knocked, interrupting his thoughts. Zhao recovered and said, "Come in."

The door opened and Meg was standing there. "Master, dinner is ready. It's time to eat."

Blockhead and Rockhead were also standing out there, guarding the door.

Zhao nodded. He knew that it was time for dinner, but he felt bad. In the last two days, not only was Meirin busy with managing the slaves, she also had to cook for him. She must be tired. Although Zhao could cook, he didn't dare to. He shouldn't forget that he was pretending to be a noble. He could justify his spatial abilities because with all the magic in the continent, there were bound to be a few oddities like him. But if he suddenly could cook, then Meirin and Meg would become suspicious of him.

Everyone went down to the dining room where they found Meirin who had already set down their dinner. There was bread and some vegetables, plus a piece of meat with soup. To be honest, as a native of China, he was not used to this stuff. 

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